Pelosi, Biden, and others get to admit to the fruits of Leftism

There is nothing the Left will not do

Townhall illustrates the path that Leftism eventually takes a nation in its descent to socialism.

China’s Esther Cheo: “‘We were taken in a lorry to the place of execution, near the famous tourist spot, the Temple of Heaven.  The victims were kneeling down beside cheap coffins, their hands tied behind their backs with wire.  About six security police moved nonchalantly along shooting them in the back of the head.   As they fell, some of their heads split open, some just fell with a neat little hole, while others had their brains splattered all over the dusty ground and on to the clothes of the next victims.’ As she turned away in revulsion, a cadre grabbed her by the shoulders.   ‘Take a good look!’ he shouted.   ‘This is what the revolution is all about!’” (Frank Dikotter)

Frankly, Leftist totalitarians frighten me a little bit, as they should all of us.  These people have no conscience at all, and people who have no conscience have no limits.   The Democratic Party-created barbarians who are roaming American streets now are like that, which is why they can rape, steal, murder, and commit all sorts of heinous crimes with no compunction.   They have no moral standards but those they create themselves.  But these city savages tend to act arbitrarily, often on impulse or improvisation.   The leaders of this movement—the Lenins, Stalins, Maos, Hitlers, Obamas, Pelosis—they are calculating, cold, organizational, determined, and decisive.  They know what they are doing, and they do it deliberately.  It is a designed scheme to gain power in any way possible.


Recently, prominent commentators on the right (and me in a Townhall article) expressed concern over the possibility of some Leftist kook trying to assassinate Donald Trump.  I believe that the information I provided above is abundant historical evidence that such an idea would not, in the least, be above the Leftists in America.  A Leftist is a Leftist is a Leftist, wherever in the world he/she resides, whether in China, Europe, Africa, Latin America—or the United States.  These people are frightening.  They have no conscience.  They have no morals.  There is nothing they will not do to obtain and hold power.

A people who will abort babies with no conscience, who will mutilate children for the sexual gratification of perverts, who will exalt child sex-slave pedophilia, who will deny the most basic human trait (gender) for political gain and thereby ruin countless lives, who will turn criminals loose by the thousands on American streets, who will make every effort to destroy their own country by importing millions of people who haven’t been vetted and have no true allegiance to the United States, people whose only goal is their own political power—people like that aren’t going to balk at trying to kill the man they hate more than any other, the man they consider the greatest threat to their globalist plans for totalitarian power.

(Read more at Townhall)

With all the proclamations of Joe Biden as “the embodiment of law and order” following his pledge to not pardon him, this is repeated window dressing.

Before the talking heads again wipe away their credibility, they should consider how:

Of course, I could list out the infractions of Joe against the legal system (including those infractions brought on by his opening of the borders — such as the importing of eight or more ISIS-affiliated terrorsts over the past few months). However, that would take our eyes off of the real problem with these lefists: they just want to turn us into a totalitarian state while blaming us for the same.

Pelosi declared in video shot by daughter “I take responsibility” for Jan. 6 security failures

Just The News takes Pelosi at her recorded word when it reports that the former Speaker of the House confessed to screwing up security on the day of the 6 January 2021 riots.

Moments after being whisked away from the U.S. Capitol after it was breached on Jan. 6, 2021, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was captured on videotape declaring “I take responsibility” for failing to have a better security plan for the complex that fateful day, according to footage released Monday by House GOP investigators.

“We have responsibility, Terri,” Pelosi is heard saying on the videotape to her chief of staff, Terri McCullough. “We did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have. This is ridiculous.”

Pelosi also said: “You’re going to ask me – in the middle of the thing when they’ve already breached the inaugural stuff – ‘should we call the Capitol Police, I mean the National Guard?’ Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?” 

McCullough, replied as the speaker’s SUV raced through an underground parking garage: “They thought that they had sufficient … resources.” 

Pelosi responded, clearly frustrated: “No, that’s not a question of how they had … they don’t know. They clearly didn’t know. And I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more.”

Pelosi seemed to be referring to congressional leaders, and McCullough seemed to be referring to the U.S. Capitol Police force.

You can watch the video footage here.

The footage was recorded by Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra, who helped HBO shoot a documentary about the Jan 6 riot. But the video was not aired in its entirety until Monday, when Republicans on the House Administration Oversight Subcommittee released it after obtaining it from the TV network.

(Read at Just The News how Pelosi reacted to this)

So does this mean that Nancy will that the 6 January 2021 riot was created by Democrat planning?

Will she admit that the reason that Capitol police opened doors and ushered people in on that day was that she directed them to do so?

Will she really come clean or will it be up to others to clean up her mess?

I would not count on that, since this likely stands as nothing but a distraction from both the failings of Dementia Joe and the direction that he takes us.

Authorities report no arrests in anti-Israel protest that vandalized park near White House

The Daily Wire informs us of another pro-leftist protest (like the BLM riots of 2019 and 2020 that Joe and Kamala used to show their support of violent criminals and murderers). Like the BLM protest (and in stark contrast to the 6 January 2021 protesters), these protesters got off light.

Various law enforcement agencies said they did not make any arrests related to the anti-Israel protest on Saturday in which people trashed a park next to the White House.

The Secret Service, D.C. police, and U.S. Park Police told The Washington Free Beacon that they did not detain anyone in connection to the demonstration at Lafayette Park in Washington, D.C., that left a number of statues vandalized.

As noted by NBC News, police said they attempted to arrest one person who climbed a statue, but that individual got away as members of the crowd intervened and officers deployed pepper spray.

Police officers walked out of the park while being followed by some of the protesters as chants of “You have to leave” morphed into “F*** the police,” as shown in video posted to X by reporter Julio Rosas.

(Raad at Daily Wire of the additional encounters)

Instead of listening to what they say, pay attention to what they do.

Current programs to reward violence (as with these hijab-wearing ranters and with the BLM and Antifa protesters of 2019 and 2020) work to destabilize our society. Thus, these socialists use them to set their stage for taking over. 

While it would be good (at least during election season) to see Democrats enforcing law equally against both their side and their political enemies (like parents who Biden sent the FBI to harrass or the people at the Capitol on 6 January 2021 or Latin Mass Catholics or pro-life protesters).


4 thoughts on “Pelosi, Biden, and others get to admit to the fruits of Leftism

  1. It has been my experience that whenever a high-ranking politician, such as Speaker of the House, steps up to the microphone to “accept” responsibility, they’re actually accepting no such thing.  You see, the Speaker of the House isn’t chosen by the people.  S/he is chosen by representatives elected to the House.  So, the claim is spurious.

    Why should Hunter have to pay taxes?  Isn’t he related to the big guy?  And besides, if Al Sharpton can get away without paying taxes, why can’t a white boy get away with it, too?  Fair is fair. Let’s be real: Hunter won’t even catch a glimpse of a prison cell.  Not a single hour.  The system, it seems, has other plans for him. 

    Heck, he may end up with the Presidential Medal of [something].    

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Odd how the quoted paragraph below did not make it into the fawning statements of press corps individuals that I both heard and saw yesterday.


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