The Merchan clown show intensifies in New York


Valid points about the “Stormy Daniels” testimony

There are a number of considerations that the main-stream press has ignored about the testimony given by Stephanie Gregory Clifford (aka “Stormy Daniels”) and the resulting actions of Judge Juan Merchan:

  • Her testimony has nothing to do with the charges levelled by Alvin Bragg.
  • The judge had no reason to allow the testimony.
  • The only reason that the judge would have included this testimony was to create a prejudice (as if it did not already exist within this jury of New York Democrats) against President Trump. Instead, Judge Merchan should have:
    • Called both legal teams to the bench.
    • Pointed out how close to the the legal line the testimony was getting.
    • Instructed the jury to disregard that portion of the testimony.
  • Instead, Judge Merchan sent the jury out while he repremanded the prosecution. Why not let the jury know that the prosecution had seriously overstepped its bounds?
  • Problem is, this testimony had nothing to do with how something was filed or how President Trump could have shown himself to be trying to break campaign finance law some 18 years ago.
  • Still, the jury was then instructed to “ignore the testimony of Stephanie Clifford (aka “Stormy Daniels”).
  • Next, the judge blames the defense lawyers for “not protesting enough” in regard to this testimony.

However, we also have to remember that this is the judge who:

  • Contributed to the campaigns of both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
  • Has a daughter who makes millions by representing and writing communications for Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters
  • Could have allowed this to go to another New York judge
  • Allowed Alvin Bragg to keep his witness list secret from the defense (constituting a Brady violation)

We are seeing Biden’s destruction of America


Eleven ways Biden and his handlers are hell-bent on destroying America

The following article at Fox News posted by Victor Davis Hanson outlines the eleven fronts of desctruction accomplished by the Biden regime against America.  I take up the first six.

Why are those controlling President Biden using him to advance so much of a destructive agenda that it will likely end America as we know it?

If someone wished to destroy America, could he do anything more catastrophic than what we currently see and hear each day?

What would an existential enemy do that we have not already done to ourselves?

Here are 11 now familiar steps to civilizational destruction:

  1. Wipe out a 2,000-mile border.

Allow 10 million foreign nationals to enter unlawfully. Have no audit of any; nullify all federal immigration laws. Let in toxic drugs that kill 100,000 Americans a year. Give free support to those millions who broke the law. Smear any objectors as racists and xenophobes.

  1. Run up $35 trillion in national debt.

Keep adding $1 trillion to it each 100 days. Defame anyone wishing to cut wild spending as cruel and inhumane.

  1. Appease or subsidize enemies like Iran and China.

Demonize allies like Israel. Allow terrorists to attack Americans without adequate response. See Islam as either similar or superior to Christianity. Make amends to leftist governments for supposedly past toxic American international behavior. Follow the lead of international agencies like the U.N., ICC and WHO to atone for past American neocolonial and imperialist behavior. Recede to second-tier international status, befitting American decline.

  1. In a multiracial democracy, redefine identity only as one’s tribal affiliation.

Ensure each identity group rivals the other for victimhood and the state spoils it confers. Reboot all political issues by race and sex oppressors and oppressed. Destroy all meritocratic standards of admission, retention, promotion and commendation.

  1. Recalibrate violent crime as understandable, cry-of-the-heart expressions of social justice.

Ensure no bail and same-day release for arrested, repeat violent felons. Empathize with the violent killer and rapist; ignore their victims, especially if they are slain police officers.

  1. Emasculate the military by using non-meritocratic standards of race, gender, and sexual orientation to determine promotion and commendation.

Deliberately impugn as racists and insurrectionists the largest demographic in the military who in recent wars died at twice their numbers in the population — so that they leave or never join the military. Encourage retired high officers to slander their commander-in-chief. Cut the defense budget. Stop producing sufficient weapons, but leave billions of dollars’ worth of arms to terrorists.

(Read the final five points at Fox News)

The thing is that this is not only seen from the vantage point of America. One Brazilian also sees it.

Oddly, at least as allowed by Google searches, nobody reported on the words of a young Brazilian politician Nikolas Ferreira who expressed his concerns of the influence of liberal trends in Brazil and the United States before the United Nations. Following is my transcription of the first half of his speech:

I was born in a poor neighborhood in my city, Bizon, Brazil. I am married. I am Christian. And we are expecting a daughter, Aura, who will be born in three months.

I became the most voted federal congressman in Brazil and I am here to warn you about what is happening in my country.

I apologize if I make any mistakes in my speech. I am still learning English.

The Left returned to power in the presidencies of Brazil ths year, but it has had the power of the universities, media, and culture for decades.

America is like a body and its health is like a tripod: patriotism, morality, and spirituality. If someone undermines these three areas, America will collapse from within. Stalin said this. They have known the secret for a long time and have used all possible means to achieve their goal of the destruction of the family. But you may wonder “Wouldn’t that be too radical of an idea? Does anyone really want to do this? And, after all, how would they do that?”

First, they destroy the sense of reality. There is no wrong. There is no right and wrong, no good or bad. Everything is relative. Why then, say that men exist? Why say women aren’t? Concepts get abolished.

Then they move to stage number two: the destruction of identity. If you are nothing, then everything can be everything. Therefore, they will destroy your identity as a person. Young people no longer know what or who they are and are carried away by any wind of doctrine and cling to what is fashionable. They tell you to dress like this and use this type of language and, finally, live like this. It is the generation most lacking in good references that have ever existed. (After all, the Left replaced Jesus with a Black Lives Matter activist and exchanged the Cross — which represents injustice against an innocent — for symbols that represent nothing other than the selfishness of activism itself.)

By the way, the rainbow is not yours, but ours. Read the Bible and you will find out.

Also, beauty no longer exists. The focus is on shocking — whether in fashion, music, films, and TV series — the important thing is to sell a culture that delivers everything you want (except meaning of life).

Slaves to their own will, a generation that cannot handle pain or confrontation (much less being told what is wrong), who exchange their parents advices for teachers who never carried them in their arms (who commit the strange actions of those who are dominating them) — these are too foolish to know they are being used and who uses them. Like those who campaign for abortion, but ignore that (75 years ago) the universal Declaration of Human Rights was published — which, in its third article states “everyone has the right to life.”

(Holding up a two-inch model of a unborn human.) This is a 12-week-old baby. His or her heart is already beating. It has a fingerprint. There is no one in the world like this baby.

We are additionally seeingthis destruction through the stories not reported by the main stream press

Michigan Democrats fail to condemn “Death to America” chants in their borders

The Daily Caller points out both the silence of the press along with the silence of Governor Gretchen “the Wretch” Whitmer and Representative Rashida Tlaib.

A number of Democratic elected officials in Michigan failed to condemn “Death to America” chants made at an Al Quds Day Rally in Dearborn, Michigan, late last week.

An activist named Tarek Bazzi spoke to the crowd at the rally calling for “all of” the crowd’s chants and shouts to be directed at America. The protesters can be heard chanting, “Death to America” in a video posted on social media.

“The death to Israel is the most logical chant heard across the world, today,” said Bazzi in the video. After Bazir’s remarks, Michigan Imam Usama Abdhulagani said to the crowd, “Israel is an evil settler-colonial State.”

“Israel is ISIS,” continued Abdhulagani.

The Daily Caller contacted Democrats from Michigan’s Congressional delegation, along with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, to ask if they condemned the chant. A number of them responded with condemnations, but several did not, including Whitmer and Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

(Read more at the Daily Caller)

We will see ice storms in July for Houston, Texas before Joe Biden, Gretchen Whitmer, or Rashida Tlaib criticizes an Islamic extremist

There are a number of hot places that would first freeze over before that set (Joe Biden, Gretchen Whitmer, or Rashida Tlaib) would chance say something against Islam.

When on the road in Michigan, Biden said “The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy.”

Michigan CBS affiliate WWMT reported in a 15 March 2023 article how Joe Biden estimated White supremacy to be the greatest threat to America.

President Joe Biden over the weekend addressed what he calls the biggest threat to the United States: white supremacy.

So, how worried is the government about that threat and what, if anything, does it mean in the 2024 race for the White House?

“The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy.,” Biden said while addressing a graduation ceremony at Howard University. “I’m not saying this because I’m at a black HBCU. I say it wherever I go.”
President Joe Biden over the weekend addressed what he calls the biggest threat to the United States: white supremacy.

So, how worried is the government about that threat and what, if anything, does it mean in the 2024 race for the White House?

“The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy.,” Biden said while addressing a graduation ceremony at Howard University. “I’m not saying this because I’m at a black HBCU. I say it wherever I go.”

(Read more at CBS)

Just as Joe maintains President Trump threatens democracy, he also has not stepped back from calling “White supremacy” a threat to America

In fact, just this week, Biden called Trump the “primary threat to freedom and democracy at home” (all while Joe’s White House has met with every prosecutor working cases against President Trump).

Teen arrested by the FBI for allegedly plotting to attack churches in name of ISIS

CBS News reports in a 9 April 2024 article on the arrest of 18-year-old Alexander Mercurio who planned to kill churchgoers in his town in the name of ISIS.

An 18-year-old from Idaho was arrested Saturday and accused of plotting to kill churchgoers in his town in the name of ISIS, according to court documents unsealed Monday.

Alexander Mercurio was charged in a criminal complaint with providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization. He remains in custody and has not entered a plea, according to court records.

Investigators alleged Mercurio was about to attack at least one church in his area on April 7 — a Sunday — with guns, knives, and flammable chemicals, but they said they foiled his plans before he could carry out his plan.

Mercurio is accused of writing to an unnamed FBI source that he was set to “stop close by the church, equip the weapon(s) and storm the temple, killing as many people as possible.” His goal, according to investigators, was to carry out an act of martyrdom before the end of Ramadan — the holy month observed peacefully by Islam practitioners across the globe that emphasizes prayer and fasting — and pledge his allegiance to the leader of ISIS.

“I am going to perform a martyrdom operation very soon,” he allegedly wrote in one recent message. “The targets will be the various churches in my town.”

In the newly-released court documents, prosecutors described an evolution of beliefs beginning in 2022 when messages and posts allegedly revealed the teenager’s interest in ISIS and his parents’ apparent dissatisfaction with his religious beliefs. He stored media on his electronic devices including a jihadi chant, investigators said, and posted pro-ISIS material online.

Court documents revealed Mercurio also allegedly told members of a terror-affiliated group chat that he had previously been in contact with an individual who was later arrested for providing financial support to the terrorist group.

(Read more at CBS News)

Luckily, the FBI caught this guy before he joined Black Lives Matter or Antifa

If Mercurio had joined either BLM or Antifa, the FBI likely would never had caught him. Instead, the Biden staff would have contributed to his cause.

Both political sides seem to be having all sorts of nightmares regarding elections.


The “Squad” seems to be having nightmares now.

Squad’s anti-Israel rhetoric spurs tough primary challenges.

The Washington Times points out the problem that the far-left “Squad” has made for themselves: they now have strong challenges that may might knock them out of their blue seats.

Members of Congress’ far-left “Squad” who have championed Palestinians in the Middle East conflict are in danger of losing their seats in Democratic primaries.

The efforts to remove Reps. Cori Bush of Missouri and Jamaal Bowman of New York have gained momentum with an influx of money from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and its political arm, the United Democracy Project.

AIPAC-connected organizations are expected to spend up to $100 million this election cycle, mainly on House races. That is four times the $26 million the United Democracy Project spent in the 2022 election cycle.

(Read more at the Washington Times)

Too bad for the conservative side that these challenges to the “Squad” don’t fall on the Republican side.

In a perfect world, the Squad would be replaced with conservative members of Congress that would never go to an enforced border to cry at an empty parking lot.

In that perfect world, there would be no Squad member advocating genocide and then trying to stupidly convince us that the call for genocide is peaceful.

It would not require a perfect world for Congress to act against a Squad member who tweets “It’s all about the Benjamins,” and then deletes the tweet.

And, as you know, this could go on for many paragraphs.

This is why they want RFK out of the race.

By using the allocation of electors allowed by Nebraska’s election law, a 269-269 split could go to the House.

Newsweek reports on why the swampiest of the RINO’s have retired in a period where they cannot be replaced: this might throw the House to the Democrats without a special election (and prior to November 2024 — where the Democrats could really deny an election).

Nebraska, a state Republican state, could cost former president Donald Trump the 2024 election against President Joe Biden, according to a conservative.

On March 12, Biden and Trump each won a series of primary elections to become their party’s presumptive presidential nominees. This focused attention on how the likely presidential election between the two rivals would play out.

While Biden’s approval rating and policies related to inflation, crime, immigration and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza have drawn consistent scrutiny from conservatives, the incumbent president has had a surge in recent polls. Eight separate polls published in March showed promising numbers for Biden, including leads or stalemates in consequential battleground states including Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

The polls give Biden a slight lead on a national basis ranging from one to three points, though it isn’t clear if it would give him an overall victory due to the Electoral College.

(Read more at Newsweek)

On the Democrat side, this does not work if there is a third-party candidate like RFK.

If RFK pulls several percentage points from Joe, this does not work.

Nonetheless, this is why the RINO’s are jumping ship at a time that their electorate cannot hold a special election and replace them. Representative Buck and Gallagher obviously have a plan to hand the House and the gavel over to Hakeem Jeffries so that he can perform real election denial.

Additionally, this is the reason that Joe is flooding the nation with now 12 million illegal aliens (who may or may not be allowed to vote, but will soon be counted in the census to determine representation in Congress).

When considering President Trump’s campaign, this does not work if conservatives sit at home.

If we do not get every last conservative voter out to vote (even if it involves going to the rest homes and dorms to get both ends of the conservative spectrum into the voting booth), we will be sunk.

Answer me this: why can’t the WH respond to Biden now using “bloodbath”


On one hand, it seems that the White House doesn’t want to draw attention to the extremity of Joe Biden’s hyperbole

Karine Jean-Pierre pushes back on Peter Doocy’s question as he presses her on Joe Biden useing the term “bloodbath”

The Daily Caller shines the spotlight on the Democrat hypocrisy demonstrated when Joe Biden used “bloodbath” (a word that the press took from a quote of President Trump’s on the auto industry and applied to the general election).

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre accused Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy of being “disingenuous” for asking about President Joe Biden’s use of the term “bloodbath.”

Former President Donald Trump came under intense scrutiny by the corporate media after he warned rally attendees in Ohio of a potential “bloodbath” in the auto industry if Biden wins re-election in 2024. Members of the media twisted his words by attempting to link them to the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

“So when Donald Trump is talking about a bloodbath, it is violent rhetoric,” Doocy began during Tuesday’s briefing. “What was it when Joe Biden said in 2020, ‘what we can’t let happen is this primary become a negative bloodbath?’”

“So I’m gonna be really mindful and careful about Donald Trump, but if you read — because he is a candidate — we’re talking about the 2024 election — you should read what he said in its context. So you gotta read what he said in context —” Jean-Pierre began.

“I understand. Bloodbath is an ugly word when Trump used it. What is it when Biden uses it?” Doocy interjected.

(Read at the Daily Caller to see how KJP dances like a drunken sailor around Joe’s words)

So, in the case of Trump, the press took his words and created a verbally violent scene he never uttered.

In the case of President Trump, the press took his words on how the auto industry would be decimated by the continuance of Joe Biden’s green policies. Anyone who cannot think of buying a new car will back me up on the proposition that Joe Biden has done much to cripple America (and especially the auto industry).

In the case of Biden, he wanted to imply coming violence against him from a group when that group did no no provable violence

If we read Joe’s words “What we can’t let happen is let this primary become a negative bloodbath,” then the demented old guy could be talking about physical violence or just the verbal hashing out of differences. Nonetheless, since the press and Democrats throughout the nation took President Trump’s referral to a “bloodbath” to be a letting of blood between opposing sides, maybe we should apply that standard here.

Maybe every time Joe suggests a “bloodbath,” we should grab our bulletproof vests and treat him accordingly.

The White House staff sensitivity to the term “bloodbath” might be a response to murders tied to Joe’s border policy

Trump says he would “love” to see family of Ruby Garcia, 25-year-old allegedly killed by illegal migrant, at Michigan rally

One of the sad results of Joe’s open borders is that there are too many murders for a part time blogger to cover.

In addition to the murder of Laken Riley and too many other young Americans, the New York Post reports on the willingness of President Trump to meet with the family of Ruby Garcia, murdered by an illegal alien.

Former President Donald Trump said Monday he would “love” to see the family of Ruby Garcia — the 25-year-old allegedly killed by her illegal immigrant boyfriend in Michigan — at his Tuesday rally in the Mitten State.

“I’d love to have her family there if they’d like to be there,” Trump said in an interview with Detroit radio host Justin Barclay.

Garcia, of Grand Rapids, was found dead along a highway with multiple gunshot wounds to her head on March 22. Brandon Ortiz-Vite, 25, later confessed to shooting Garcia in her car, turning himself in to police with blood on his clothes, according to local reports.

Ortiz-Vite said he shot Garcia after they had an argument, and he subsequently moved her body out of the car and drove away, according to local reports citing court documents.

(Read more at the New York Post)

If this does not constitute a “bloodbath,” then please correct me.

Hardly a day goes by without an article in the alternative press recording the death of an American (usually a child or young person).

I would say that “If this were done under the purview of Trump, this would be all over the front pages;” however, that might depend on whether the Chamber of Commerce were driving the open border policy.

A contrast between Joe Biden’s Easter tweet and what the newest controversy the Left has imposed on President Trump


This is a president who insults and attacks Christians on every turn

On Easter Sunday, Joe Biden proclaims the day to be Transgender Day of Visibility in a tweet

The New York Post reports on how the White House now is painting anyone critical of Joe proclaiming Easter to be Transgender Day of Visibility as being “hateful and dishonest.”

As President Biden faces heated backlash over marking March 31 as “Transgender Day of Visibility,” which falls on Easter Sunday this year, the White House has issued a response standing by the president’s remarks.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates released a statement saying those critical of Biden’s inclusiveness message are trying to further divide the country.

“As a Christian who celebrates Easter with family, President Biden stands for bringing people together and upholding the dignity and freedoms of every American,” Bates said in a statement. “Sadly, it’s unsurprising politicians are seeking to divide and weaken our country with cruel, hateful and dishonest rhetoric. President Biden will never abuse his faith for political purposes or for profit.”

While March 31 has been designated to honor the transgender movement internationally since 2009, this year it falls on Easter Sunday, one of the most important days for Christians celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

“On Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation’s commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives,” a statement released by the White House Saturday said.

“Today, we send a message to all transgender Americans: You are loved. You are heard. You are understood. You belong. You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your back,” it added. “Now, therefore, I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility.”

(Read more at the New York Post)

So Biden, on one of Christianity’s most holy days, proclaims the honoring of transgenderism

Tell me what other interpretation can be pulled from the following tweet:

Hey, Joe! What have you said about the transgender who murdered three Christian children and three Christian adults in Nashville, Tennessee?

Oddly, when it comes to things that transgender people have really done, Joe Biden has not come out to comment on these events:

For the record, Joe Biden has been one to persecute Christians

Take note that Joe Biden has been in office when:

Furthermore, don’t forget that Joe could not condemn the Nashville shooter (and would not honor the three children and three adults shot at that Christian school).

Of course, we know of how Joe banned religious-themed designs from White House Easter egg art contest.

The New York Post digs into how Joe not only promoted the “Transgender Day of Visibility,” but also silenced any Christian voices at the Easter egg art contest.

Children of the National Guard are prohibited from submitting religious Easter egg designs for the 2024 “Celebrating National Guard Families” art event at the White House.

The art contest is part of the White House’s Easter traditions, which include the annual Easter Egg Roll.

The flyer for the contest states that an Easter egg design submission “must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes, or partisan political statements.”

“As part of the White House Easter traditions, America’s Egg Farmers – for nearly 50 years – have proudly presented an intricately decorated Commemorative Easter Egg to the First Lady of the United States. In 2021, the White House expanded on this longstanding tradition by displaying youth-designed Easter eggs in the White House East Colonnade,” the flyer explains.

“On behalf of First Lady Jill Biden, The Adjutants General of the National Guard are asking youth from National Guard families across the United States and all U.S. territories to submit artwork inspired by the theme ‘Celebrating our Military Families,’” the flyer continues.

Children are asked to design eggs with images based on their own lives.

“Selected designs representing the unique experience and stories of National Guard children will be brought to life on real hen eggs by talented egg artists from across the country and displayed at the White House this Easter and Passover season,” the flyer says.

Children also can’t promote material that promotes “bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age” in their designs.

Selected designs will be painted by artists on real eggs and displayed at the White House.

The White House announced Thursday that the annual Easter Egg Roll would follow an “EGGucation” theme as it has in years past.

(Read more at the New York Post)

Despite the claims by Joe, transgenders do not see persecution in America

In contrast, President Trump gets roasted for promoting patriotism and a Bible

CNN (who could not be accused of supporting the Christian point of view) reports on its suggestion that “some Christians” (which could be possible in this large and sometimes deluded country) are offended by President Trump selling a King James Bible that includes the words to God Bless the USA and the text of The Declaration of Independence, the Pledge of Allegiance, and other historic American documents.

Former President Donald Trump is officially selling a patriotic copy of the Christian Bible themed to Lee Greenwood’s famous song, “God Bless the USA.”

“Happy Holy Week!” Trump announced on social media Tuesday, during the most solemn period of the Christian calendar, the last week of the Lenten season marking the suffering and death of Jesus. “As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless The USA Bible.”

The concept of a Bible covered in the American flag, as well as a former president’s endorsement of a text Christians consider to be sacred, has raised concern among religious circles. It’s also raised questions about Trump’s motivations, as the former president finds himself in the middle of several expensive legal battles.

(Read more at CNN)

Although President Trump cannot be accused of being a preacher, I do believe that the Left has gone full force at trying to nullify the effects of the Church. Furthermore, I also believe that, despite the protestations of the Left, America was largely built on the pillars of Judeo/Christian ethics and would do well to return to those pillars.

Promoting a Bible that includes the words of the Declaration of Independence would show the links between our founding and the faith of those who founded this nation. Additionally, considering the words of that Book of Books would do better than doing nobody harm.

Can you imagine what might happen would everyone in the nation read the Book of John and start living by the directions in that book?

Since it is my bet that the Christian leaders who might protest the most might also not have a problem with gay clergy, I don’t put too much weight in the sources cited by CNN

If the people at CNN were not so likely to promote gay clergy, drag queen story times at church, and similar events, I might give them a little more credence.

There is another quote that applies here (never mind the things President Trump does)

so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (‭Isaiah 55:11 NIV‬)

There is something else in the works…

So, when you remember the acts of Joe, also remember that these politicians are the enemies who have identified as once being within Republican circles. They should not be allowed to return.

These politicians should not make it through another Republican primary.

These are the Democrats in Republican clothing who would put on a show for certain Republican values, but voted primarily with Democrats and left the Republican party at a time where it helped Democrats:

These politicians should not be allowed to join Republican politics again.

They seem more than willing to just hand over the reigns to Hakeem Jeffries (and then you will see real election denialism).

Guess who the thin Blue Line has had enough of (hint: not President Trump)


President Donald Trump attends wake of slain New York officer and calls for “law and order” as a contrast to Joe Biden’s policies

The Associated Press provided a partial picture of the event that happened as a result of Democrat policies where felons get released and police get defunded: Officer Jonathan Diller of the NYPD was murdered by a repeat offender. In the wake of this event, the family of the slain officer had a unique way of communicating their feelings on Democrat policies (but the AP did not report that).

Donald Trump attended Thursday’s wake of a New York City police officer gunned down in the line of duty and called for “law and order,” as part of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s attempt to show a contrast with President Joe Biden and focus on crime as part of his third White House campaign.

The visitation for Officer Jonathan Diller, who was fatally shot during a traffic stop on Monday, was held in suburban Massapequa on Long Island. Police said the 31-year-old Diller was shot below his bulletproof vest while approaching an illegally parked car in Queens.

Diller, who was married and had a 1-year-old son, was rushed to a hospital, where he died.

Trump’s visit came as Biden was also in New York for a previously scheduled fundraiser with Democratic ex-presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Trump has accused Biden of lacking toughness and his campaign sought to contrast his visit with Biden’s fundraiser.

Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung, in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, noted Trump’s visit and said, “Meanwhile, the Three Stooges — Biden, Obama, and Clinton — will be at a glitzy fundraiser in the city with their elitist, out-of-touch celebrity benefactors.”

(Read more at the Associated Press, starting with the lies of KJP)

There is a list of politicians who just showed up to the funeral and were asked to leave

There were a number of politicians whose policies contributed to having repeat felons on the streets where they could murder policemen like Jonathan Diller. These politicians would include some who showed up to get their faces associated with being supportive of the police. These politicians specifically were:

  • New York Governor Kathy Hochul

  • Mayor Adams
  • District Attorney Bragg
  • New York Attorney General Letecia James

Furthermore, according to one tweet quoting Jesse Watters:

Both Governor Hochul and Attorney General Leticia James asked the family if they could speak at Officer Diller’s funeral Sunday. The family refused.

When President Trump arrived, Officer Diller’s grandmother asked him for a hug, and he happily obliged.

Joe Biden seems to try to give Democrats reasons to not vote for him


Obama and Clinton look to boost Biden without overshadowing him

The Washington Examiner points out how Biden’s use of the more popular presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton may backfire on the current (yet addled) president.

President Joe Biden is hoping the star power of his Democratic predecessors, former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, will shine a light on his campaign against another former president, Donald Trump, during a high-profile New York City fundraiser.

But although his last State of the Union before November’s general election addressed concerns about his age, his campaign is under pressure to make sure Biden is not overshadowed, particularly by his younger, more popular former boss.

The Biden campaign dismisses the idea that the president has an enthusiasm problem, citing expectations Thursday night’s fundraiser could raise more than $25 million, with 5,000-plus attendees anticipated to be at Radio City Hall.

“Democrats are unified and energized behind President Biden’s reelection campaign, and that will be on full display this Thursday in New York City,” Biden campaign spokesman Kevin Munoz told the Washington Examiner. “Donald Trump has no juice heading into the general: Huge chunks of Republican primary voters have made clear they have no interest in voting for him this November, Republican leaders like his own vice president are openly opposing him, and even if Trump wanted to reach them (he does not!), he has no cash or energy to do so.”

“Elections are won by putting in the work to assemble a broad, diverse coalition, and Joe Biden is doing just that,” Munoz said.

Simultaneously, Republican strategist and former chief of staff to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) Cesar Conda contended Biden’s support in black, Hispanic, and Asian communities is “hemorrhaging.”

“President Trump has made significant gains with minority voters, which is why I think we will [see] Barack Obama earlier and often on the campaign trail compared to 2020,” Conda told the Washington Examiner. “But I don’t think Obama’s appeal will transfer to Biden because blacks and Hispanics have been battered by rising gas pricesgrocery bills, and housing costs caused by Biden’s policies. They know that they were much better off financially during the Trump-era economy.”

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is claiming “Crooked Hillary,” in addition to “Barack Hussein Obama,” is “coming out of the bullpen to help Joe Biden shuffle over the finish line because Democrats know Biden is weak, unpopular, and incompetent.”

“Their reinforcement efforts will fail when President Trump defeats them on Nov. 5,” Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said.

(Read more at the Washington Examiner)

Even if Democrats do not hear the opposition, they remember the past

Surely these Democrats remember the better economy coming out of Trump’s term. They might even remember the more centrist views of Barack during his first term and Bill during his whole two terms.

If they are Baby Boomers or Generation X, they might remember the hardships of the last socialist-leaning president (the peanut farmer). Therefore, they might remember how many years it took of Reagan to get out of the Carter malaise.

So, pointing us to better times likely will not motivate voters to the polls.

Biden White House quietly intervening in international labor dispute despite objections he may be breaking the law

Fox News looks into how Joe Biden has decided to take up the cause of Mexican labor despite warnings from others telling him he may be breaking the law.

The White House is escalating a labor dispute at a major mine in central Mexico, an action backed by powerful labor unions, but it could have a devastating effect on workers and the economy.

The United States Trade Representative (USTR), which is housed in the White House, is pursuing the case by leveraging a little-used tool in the 2020 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

The Rapid Response Labor Mechanism (RRM), is a provision that allows the government to take enforcement action against factories if they fail to comply with domestic freedom of association and collective bargaining laws. As part of its effort, the USTR successfully convened the first-ever RRM tribunal to review concerns brought by labor officials in the U.S. and Mexico.

“This announcement upholds the Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to creating a more level playing field for workers to feel empowered and using every enforcement tool at our disposal to safeguard workers’ rights,” U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai said after her office filed its initial motion to convene the RRM tribunal.

However, the process has faced considerable pushback from the Mexican government, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the owner of the mine, Grupo Mexico, which has argued the U.S. government doesn’t have jurisdiction in the dispute. Critics have also warned the process, which is expected to conclude with a ruling as early as Friday, has lacked transparency.

The case dates back more than a decade and a half when, in 2007, the powerful Mexican miners’ union Los Mineros went on strike at Grupo Mexico’s San Martin mine in Sombrerete, Zacatecas, which produces a high quantity of Mexico’s lead, zinc and copper supplies. The strike was related, in part, to safety conditions at the site.

According to legal filings reviewed by Fox News Digital, the San Martin mine reopened 11 years later, in 2018, when the mine’s operator struck a deal with Los Trabajadores Coaligados, a coalition of workers that voted to return to work and end the strike. In June 2023, the Mexican Conciliation and Arbitration Board, a government panel, confirmed in a ruling that the strike was over and San Martin could operate as normal.

(Read more at Fox News)

This only accentuates the claim by President Trump that Biden is “Mexico First”

At a time that we are being flooded by illegal aliens, this will not sit well with most voters. At a time that most Americans struggle to make ends meet, having Joe Biden go to bat for a Mexican union just does not seem right.

And at a time that Joe keeps claiming he works for America and has our economy running better than it ran under President Trump, that will likely keep people home on election night.

They say the quiet part out loud in an effort to get us accustomed to the Overlord’s voice


After years of denying the existence of the deep state, the New York Times crows about the advantages of their “deep state”

Fox News points to the New York Times and the video piece that touts the purported advantages of having a “deep state” looking over our shoulders.

The New York Times video opinion team took a cross-country trip for a project to humanize the “deep state,” declaring it to be “kind of awesome” in its new report.

The piece, which is part article, part video essay, took aim at former President Trump’s constant rhetorical attacks against the “deep state,” the phrase, often derogatory, employed for unelected bureaucrats he and his supporters believe work to stymie his agenda.

To paint Trump’s claims as paranoid, the authors traveled to meet various federal government workers throughout the country and put a spotlight on how normal and down to earth they are.

The article stated, “As we met the Americans who are being dismissed as public enemies, we discovered that they are … us. They like Taylor Swift. They dance bachata. They go to bed at night watching ‘Star Trek’ reruns. They go to work and do their jobs: saving us from Armageddon.”

The corresponding video depicted brief interviews with individuals working at the Environmental Protection Agency, the Marshall Space Flight Center and other U.S. government agencies.

The piece continued, telling readers that they should support this “deep state.”

“When we hear ‘deep state,’ instead of recoiling, we should rally. We should think about the workers otherwise known as our public servants, the everyday superheroes who wake up ready to dedicate their careers and their lives to serving us.”

“These are the Americans we employ. Even though their work is often invisible, it makes our lives better,” the article declared, before warning that Trump plans on getting rid of many of these individuals if he returns to the White House.

“But if Donald Trump is re-elected and enacts Schedule F, that could change,” it stated, referring to the classification status that would make government workers easier to terminate as political appointees. “He would have the power to eviscerate the so-called deep state and replace our public servants with people who work for him, not us.”

The article concluded, saying, “In the video above, you’ll meet a few of our hard-working American public servants, and we hope you’ll agree that they’re not scary at all. In fact, they’re kind of awesome.”

(Read more at Fox News)

Forgive me for not going straight to (the horse’s mouth), but I kept throwing up when I looked into it.

It is rather sad that the “Old Gray Lady” of New York has stooped to pulling stunts like this. However, we have to ask one thing: “How else can she make such an abrupt about-face without doing a face plant?”

For the New York Times to switch from denying the deep state to celebrating it, either they have to have realized that the rest of the world saw that they have been lying all along (as we know that they were on the Russia collusion hoax, the Hunter Biden laptop, and too many other topics to waste time trying to catalog) or they were told by their Democrat overlords to make the change.

Maybe it is a bit of both. Maybe the Democrats want us so beaten down that we will not raise our heads for fear of the next blow from the “deep state” whip.

First, there are the open admissions of Big Brother looking over our shoulders for “hate crimes” (aka thought crimes) of misgendering, rebellion against DIE, and resistence against Democrat drives to the “green” economy.

Next, there are further crackdowns on people accused of going to Washington on 6 January 2021 (all while Democrat District Attorneys like Alvin Bragg let illegal aliens out of jail on the day after those illegals put police officers in the hospital and Joe’s “Justice” Department sues Texas to stop a law allowing Texas State Troopers to arrest illegals).

Next (although Eric Holder defied Congress and never went to jail), Trump administration official Peter Navarro goes to prison for defying a summons to the January 6 Commission (aka Democrat kangaroo court in Congress).

Next, the New York justice system makes a mockery of due process by using a biased District Attorney and biased judge to exact political retribution on a former president.

Does anyone remember a quote by German theologian Martin Niemöller?

$454M bond could force a real estate fire sale

Breitbart lets President Trump use his expertise in real estate to draw a line between the actions of socialists in the New York justice system and the results of those actions.

Former President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the $454 million bond required to appeal the civil fraud judgment against him could force a fire sale of his real estate.

New York Attorney General Letitia James’ prosecution of Trump essentially tries to bankrupt the president. Trump must post a liquid (cash, securities) bond covering the full amount of the judgment to pause enforcement of the judgment, but 30 surety companies told Trump they would not accept real estate assets as collateral, Trump’s lawyers said Monday. The enforcement will begin on March 25.

If Trump can not post the $454 million bond, James could seek to freeze some of his bank accounts and properties.

Trump might have to sell his real estate at a “Fire Sale prices” to obtain the cash to appeal the ruling, he said Tuesday on Truth Social:

Judge Engoron actually wants me to put up Hundreds of Millions of Dollars for the Right to Appeal his ridiculous decision. In other words, he is trying to take my Appellate Rights away from me when I have already won at the Appellate Division, but he refuses to accept their already made decision.

“Nobody has ever heard of anything like this before. I would be forced to mortgage or sell Great Assets, perhaps at Fire Sale prices, and if and when I win the Appeal, they would be gone,” Trump added. “Does that make sense? WITCH HUNT. ELECTION INTERFERENCE.”

(Refer to Breitbart for input from Constitutional expert Turley on the effect of this)

Considering these actions, I wonder if the inflation inflicted on America has likewise been a deliberate effort to make America bow to Democrats

By emptying the wallets of America through inflation, has it been the plan of Democrats to subjugate the American middle and lower classes into not being able to rebell against Democrat overlords?

Obviously (in the case of Donald Trump in this court case), the Democrats of New York are willing to take things to the extreme (even sacrificing the value of their properties across that city and state). Further, they are obviously willing to overlook legal details when this District Attorney ran on “getting Trump.” Can there be much more bias in a forum that purports to be fair and evenhanded?

Like the slaves in the antebellum South, would they use every means to beat us down and keep us on the plantation? I think they would.

Gosh, I wonder why the Democrats never harped on the 6 January 2021 bombs.

Could it be that their assets in the “intelligence” community were involved in an operation on home soil?

Records show that the CIA deployed bomb technicians and dog teams to DC on 6 January 2021

Judicial Watch lets loose about the text messages they found revealing the facts that CIA bomb technicians and dog teams were deployed to Washington, D.C. on 6 January 2021.

Judicial Watch announced today it received 88 pages of Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) records from the Department of Justice in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that show the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) deployed personnel to Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021.

Judicial Watch forced the release of the records through a June 5, 2023, lawsuit that was filed after the Justice Department failed to respond to an August 10, 2023, FOIA request for records and communications regarding shots being fired inside the U.S. Capitol, as well as requests for Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Special Response Team assistance on January 6, 2021 (Judicial Watch Inc. v U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:23-cv-01608)).

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) records include a series of text messages under the heading “January 7 Intel Chain” in which two separate references to participation by the CIA are made. One states that “two CIA bomb techs” are assisting with “a pipe bomb scene on New Jersey and D ST SE.” Another references “several CIA dog teams on standby.”

Group texts contain a 4 p.m. hour message by persons whose names are redacted regarding two explosive devices found at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) building and one at the Republican National Committee (RNC): “Train traffic is stopped.” “It appears the powerplant is unfounded….” “Upper west Terrance of the capital breached by protesters.” “USCP is sending out a Mutual Aid request.” “Capital Police may be moving resources inside.” “Protesters are cutting tarp at bottom of scaffolding and moving up through that.” “FYSA-FC1, WASH1, SAC, ASAC responded to Capitol….” “2 explosive devices at DNC.” “One at rnc one at dnc.”

The “Intel Chain” also reports on the shooting of Ashli Babbitt: “Shots fired house floor. 1 civilian down with a gun shot [sic] wound to the chest on the 2nd floor. Gunshot victim has been extracted. Shooting was officer involved.”

A separate series of text messages is included in the records provided to Judicial Watch. In the 2 p.m. hour on January 6, 2021, the texts read: “West Terrace has been breached [redacted] … Explosion reported on the rotunda steps [redacted]. Shots fired at rotunda.”

Shortly thereafter, another set of texts report: Party 1: “VP stuck inside last I heard.” Patry 2: Copy.” Party 1: “Capitol PD shot someone dead on house floor. Dead.” Party 2: “Christ. What was the final in the devices real or not [redacted].” Party 1: “Clearing Capitol now with bomb techs. Lots of damage.” Party 2: “Damn that’s scary. So sad. Thx for keeping me in the loop brother. I was able to get I [sic] go to my team and the Director before they heard it from outside sources.”

The “Intel Chain” also reports that members of Congress are being evacuated to Fort McNair, which is located about two miles south of the Capitol: “Capitol has been transferred to Fort McNair.” “It’s an alternate location so they can continue their work.”

A heavily redacted series of text messages from redacted sources state, “Command post is at JERSEY and D St SE.” Three additional recipients are added to the text group at 1:21 p.m., one of whom reports: “Just made contact with [redacted] FBI is reporting an additional 3 possible devices for a total of 5 now.” A response follows: “Do you have the locations of the other devices?” The reply is: “Not yet, the FBI is going to pass it on. I believe one was located at the gates to the Power Plant.” The following text states: “LEO’s [Law Enforcement Officers] being attacked on the west side of Capitol with pieces of the restraining fence. Some officers injured.”

“These striking records show that CIA resources were deployed in reaction to the January 6 disturbance,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

(Read more at Judicial Watch)

There is so much wrong with this

This is wrong on so many levels, since:

  • The CIA is not supposed to operate domestically.
  • Since their bomb technicians and dog teams were involved (as part of a supposed clean up, possibly), had they been planning some sort of coup? We know that Clapper, Brennan, and much of the top brass identify as communist. Was this a move to keep President Trump from assuming office?
  • “Bombs” were found at the RNC headquarters and the DNC headquarters on 6 December 2021, but nobody was held to account. In fact, evidence was destroyed.
  • Although the bomber was clearly caught on video, the phone evidence of the bomber got corrupted.
  • Despite the clarity of the video evidence, there are large, unexplained gaps in that video evidence.
  • A sweep by the Secret Service and a D.C. bomb-sniffing dog did not detect the bomb at the DNC.
  • Kamala Harris was in the DNC headquarters (instead of the Capitol, as she reported several times later) when the riots were occurring. Considering that her party was on the receiving end of surges of “votes” duing November 2020, why was she not at the Capitol?

It seems that this might have been a back-up plan had President Trump actually overcome the 4 a.m. surges in the polling places where Republican poll watchers were not allowed. It just looks like our own CIA and its leadership (with its likely ideological clones of John Brennan) might be willing to bomb the RNC and DNC to derail a Trump presidency.

Therefore, for us to dismiss the idea that the Democrats are coordinating with RINO’s like Ken Buck and others to gain the gavel and deny the American people their choice — maybe is a bit premature.

Additionally, please consider the most recent incendiary comments of Chuck Schumer

For a party that has spent almost four years jailing, blocking, condemning, and otherwise harming anyone they deem as an “election denier,” Chuck Schumer’s message to Israel’s electorate rings hollow

The Guardian outlines the caustic words of the Democrat “leader” and the sharp response to those words.

Chuck Schumer, the US Senate leader and a top ally of Joe Biden, on Thursday broke with the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, over his handling of the invasion of Gaza and called for Israel to hold new elections, in comments that upset its ruling party and allies on Capitol Hill.

The shift by Schumer, the Democratic Senate majority leader and the highest-ranking Jewish official in the United States, came as he continued to press lawmakers to pass a military assistance package for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan, the countries Biden has named as America’s top national security priorities.

In remarks from the Senate floor, Schumer said he had a longstanding relationship with Netanyahu but believed he “has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take precedence over the best interests of Israel”.

Noting the prime minister’s inclusion of farright officials in his government, Schumer said Netanyahu “has been too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in Gaza, which is pushing support for Israel worldwide to historic lows. Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah.”

Israel’s ruling Likud party responded to Schumer by defending the prime minister’s public support and saying Israel was “not a banana republic”.

“Contrary to Schumer’s words, the Israeli public supports a total victory over Hamas, rejects any international dictates to establish a Palestinian terrorist state, and opposes the return of the Palestinian Authority to Gaza,” it said in a statement.

“Senator Schumer is expected to respect Israel’s elected government and not undermine it. This is always true, and even more so in wartime.”

The Republican Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, struck a similar tone. “Israel is not a colony of America whose leaders serve at the pleasure of the party in power in Washington. Only Israel’s citizens should have a say in who runs their government,” he said from the chamber’s floor, shortly after Schumer spoke.

“Either we respect their decisions, or we disrespect their democracy.”

The Republican speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, who has refused to allow a vote on the military assistance package despite its passage in the Senate, said Schumer’s remarks were “highly inappropriate” and accused him of playing “a divisive role in Israeli politics”.

(Read at the Guardian about the unreported issues that these comments exacerbate)

If the party that has focused so heavily on the sanctity of elections will do this to an ally, what will they do to their supposed enemy?

Although we have to realize that a major pull for the Democrats is their newly-imported Islamic voting block (created some time around the Somali and Afghan crises), we also have to think about the effect of Chuck’s words on our own Jewish population and the only democracy in the Middle East.

You know, if Chuck doesn’t watch his words, he might find that he has “released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you, if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

But then again, Chuckie and Dementia Joe have a compliant press to shield them. So who cares?

All sorts of Democrat narratives change

A hidden 6 January 2021 transcript comes to light

NTD News reports how previously-hidden transcripts of the “January 6 Commission” have shed light on the actual events leading up to the day of the riot. Oddly, these events contradict the official Democrat narrative.

A previously hidden transcript of an interview conducted by a U.S. House of Representatives panel that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol has been revealed, undermining a committee claim.

Anthony Ornato, who was the White House deputy chief of staff during the breach, told the committee that he overheard Mark Meadows, who was then chief of staff, on the phone with Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser. According to the transcript, Mr. Meadows wanted to ensure Ms. Bowser “had everything she needed.”

Mr. Meadows “wanted to know if she need[ed] any more guardsmen,” Mr. Ornato testified. “And I remember the number 10,000 coming up of, ‘The president wants to make sure that you have enough.’ You know, ‘He is willing to ask for 10,000.’ I remember that number. Now that you said it, it reminded me of it.”

Ms. Bowser said that “she was all set,” Mr. Ornato recalled.

Mr. Ornato was speaking to the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.

The committee said in its final report that it “found no evidence” supporting the idea that former President Donald Trump ordered 10,000 troops to be ready for Jan. 6.

“The former J6 Select Committee apparently withheld Mr. Ornato’s critical witness testimony from the American people because it contradicted their pre-determined narrative,” Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.), who released the transcript, said in a statement.

“Mr. Ornato’s testimony proves what Mr. Meadows has said all along, President Trump did in fact offer 10,000 National Guard troops to secure the U.S. Capitol, which was turned down,” Mr. Loudermilk, the chairman of the House Administration Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight, added.

Speaking to Fox News, Mr. Meadows previously said, “As many as 10,000 National Guard troops were told to be on the ready by the secretary of defense. That was a direct order from President Trump.”

(Read more at NTD News)

Even the New York Times has something to admit: Testimony fleshes out the account of Trump’s demand to go to Capitol on Jan. 6 (where “fleshes out” means “exposes as a lie”)

Even the >New York Times felt it necessary to set the record straight in their crooked own way on the lie that President Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of “The Beast.” (Bold and red are mine for emphasis.)

President Donald J. Trump had just delivered his fiery speech at the Ellipse early on the afternoon of Jan. 6, 2021, setting in motion the attack by his  supporters on the Capitol.

When he got into his armored vehicle after the speech, Mr. Trump immediately brought up a topic he often broached after his public appearances: How big was the crowd?

But within 30 seconds, his conversation with his lead Secret Service agent took a more contentious turn, according to a transcript released on Monday of an interview by House investigators of another Secret Service agent who was driving the car. Mr. Trump wanted to go to the Capitol, but his lead agent, Robert Engel, said no, telling him there was no plan in place.

“The president was insistent on going to the Capitol,” recounted the driver, whose name was not disclosed. “It was clear to me he wanted to go to the Capitol. He was not screaming at Mr. Engel. He was not screaming at me. Certainly his voice was raised, but it did not seem to me that he was irate — certainly not, certainly didn’t seem as irritated or agitated as he had on the way to the Ellipse.”

But, the driver said, Mr. Trump never lunged for the steering wheel or physically accosted the agents, contradicting one of the most sensational and hotly disputed elements of testimony given to the House Jan. 6 committee by a White House aide. The transcript of the driver is the first extensive eyewitness account of what happened in the armored vehicle to be made public.

“I did not see him reach,” the Secret Service driver told investigators for the House panel. “He never grabbed the steering wheel. I didn’t see him, you know, lunge to try to get into the front seat at all. You know, what stood out was the irritation in his voice, more than his physical presence.”

The driver’s transcript adds detail to one of the most scrutinized episodes of Jan. 6, 2021. The transcript was never released publicly by the House Jan. 6 committee, which entered into an agreement with the Secret Service regarding 12 interviews to avoid disclosing “privacy information, for-official-use-only information, intelligence and law enforcement sensitive records and raw intelligence information.

(Exploit your New York Times subscription and read more, if you like liberal bilge)

When the fraudulant testimony by Cassidy Hutchinson aired saying that Trump lunged for the steering wheel, the main stream press was all over it.

The press covered the words of Cassidy Hutchinson (who, if the testimony of these two independent sources in this Congressional record are correct, lied under oath). However, now that two pieces of information come out exhonorating President Trump (the testimony of Mr. Ornato and that of the driver), those same sources don’t want to cover it.

Special Counsel Hur rebuts the White House

Just The News opens the words of Special Counsel Hur to us in the unwashed masses (letting us know how Joe “willingly” held classified materials in as many as seven locations like Biden’s UPenn offices, his University of Delaware offices, his vacation home, and his garage).

Special Counsel Robert Hur directly disputed the White House narrative on Joe Biden’s retention of classified documents, insisting in nationally televised testimony to Congress on Tuesday that the president did “willfully” keep nationally secrets but that prosecutors did not believe they could prove it to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt.

Republicans led by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan questioned Hur in testimony certain to influence the 2024 election and argued Biden kept the materials because it will help him write a book that earned him $8 million. Hur confirmed to lawmakers Biden did in fact share classified information with the ghost writer for the book.

Hur reaffirmed the primary conclusion from his report that reportedly frustrated the White House. Spokesman for the White House Counsel’s office Ian Sams wrote a letter to the White House Correspondents’ Association criticizing the media coverage of the special counsel’s conclusions. Though the report said Biden “willfully” retained classified material, Sams stressed Hur concluded “that the evidence does not establish Mr. Biden’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.”

“We obtained evidence President Biden willfully retained classified information,” Hur said in his opening statement. The evidence includes recorded conversations with his ghostwriter where he shared classified information. However, Hur concluded the information was not enough to prove any violations beyond a reasonable doubt.

(Read more at Just The News)

So is Joe Biden an unfit president or a fit criminal?

Once we have reviewed the facts of the case presented by Robert Hur, there are only two options: either Joe Biden is an unfit president or a fit criminal.

Which is Joe Biden now?

I am sure we know why the press has not gone full bore after Joe Biden: it’s their DEI

The reason the press will not ask Joe why he lied about giving his ghost writer classifed documents (for the book that Joe got an $8 million advance) can be wrapped up in this: it’s their policy of Discrimination, Exclusion, and Investment in socialist ideology. Joe won’t be investigated because he is a Democrat and a flaming liberal. If he were the moderate he ran as, he might get at least some review, but since he is to the left of Hillary …