What is Biden doing?

Biden doubles down on killing oil and gas

Biden releases smallest offshore oil program in U.S. history

EE News by Politico reports that Joe Biden has gone for another attack on the offshore drilling industry (and, therefore, on the economy).

The Biden administration plans to hold three oil lease sales off the nation’s coasts over the next five years, under the smallest national oil program in the country’s history.

On Friday, the Interior Department will publish a highly anticipated offshore oil and gas schedule that will shape the extent of the country’s future sale of offshore drilling rights. Under the schedule, the agency would conduct oil sales in the Gulf of Mexico in 2025, 2027 and 2029, according to the administration.

That’s far less than the previous oil program, inked during the Obama administration and ending in 2022, which held two sales most years. The largest program on record, written by the pro-development administration of President Ronald Reagan, included 41 scheduled sales between 1982 and 1987.

Still, many expected Biden to schedule at least a few oil sales offshore. The Inflation Reduction Act bars Interior from holding new offshore wind auctions unless a sizable offshore oil sale has also been held within the prior year.

The Biden administration has committed to reaching 110 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2050 — a goal that requires additional offshore wind lease sales.

“The Proposed Program, which represents the smallest number of oil and gas lease sales in history, sets a course for the Department to support the growing offshore wind industry and protect against the potential for environmental damage and adverse impacts to coastal communities,” Haaland said.

(Read more at EE News)

Damn the whales, full speed ahead

In 1864, Rear Admiral Farragut faced the confederates at Mobile Bay and decided that the torpedoes (floating mines) were less of an impairment to his battle plans than were any dallying. Therefore, he purportedly shot out “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.”

In 2023, Joe Biden seems to think nothing of the whales that keep dying around offshore wind farms. With a compliant press deflecting blame from green energy for the deaths of the whales, Biden metaphorically cries “Damn the whales, full speed ahead with green energy.”

Similarly, in 2020, Joe Biden came out with a pledge to the hardcore greenies in the Democrat party where he said that he would “transition from the oil industry.” On that, Biden has dismantled our economy and used this as one of many tools to create 19% inflation in America between 2021 and 2023. In response to these actions of Joe’s, the economy implodes (but his compliant press will not report the facts). Now, Joe wants the press to “Start reporting it the right way.” That must be the dictatorial way.

With this act against the offshore oil and gas industry, we have more of the same when it comes to things that hurt American business and our economy. And so it continues.

Is this a continuation of Obama’s promise to “fundimentally transform America?”

29,000 migrants apprehended at the border during Christmas weekend 2023

Breitbart points to something the main stream press would hide: over 29,000 illegal aliens flooded into America during Christmas weekend 2023.

Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 29,000 migrants during the extended Christmas weekend. While most American families enjoyed the celebrations of Christmas with family and friends, Border Patrol agents stayed to their tasks of processing, transporting, caring for, and eventually releasing thousands of migrants pushed across the border by human smuggling cartels.

Border Patrol agents assigned to the nine southwest Border Patrol sectors apprehended at least 29,000 migrants who illegally crossed the border between ports of entry between December 22 and 25, according to unofficial Border Patrol reports obtained by Breitbart Texas. On Thursday, December 21, agents apprehended at least 9,000 more migrants. This brought the total for the last five days to at least 38,000 migrant apprehensions.

The numbers included in these reports are likely understating the true number of apprehensions as migrants who are kept camping in outdoor detention areas along the border’s edge are not counted until they are processed into Border Patrol shelters, law enforcement sources previously told Breitbart.

The Tucson Sector remained at the hot spot along the U.S.-Mexico border. Tucson agents apprehended at least 12,250 migrants during the five-day period. This was just slightly ahead of the nearly 12,000 migrants apprehended in the Del Rio Sector.

The massive swell of migrants crossing through Mexico and entering the United States forced officials in the Del Rio Sector to shut down operations in multiple Border Patrol stations and interior highway immigration checkpoints, Breitbart Texas’ Randy Clark reported.

(Read about Eagle Pass and more at Breitbart)

How long can America take in 10,000 known illegal aliens per day and survive?

When a majority of illegal aliens have been set up on welfare, how long can the system set up in America exist? How long will it be before Democrats come to us saying that we need to increase taxes on “the rich” to save social security and welfare?

Biden works to continue to raise energy costs while government forces push fear of a government shutdown. Why?

Biden teams with corporate Left to raise your energy costs

The Washington Examiner outlines in a 24 September 2023 article the moves Biden has recently made to raise our energy costs while everyday Americans struggle to pay for essentials.

Congress has not voted to force the financial sector to adopt net-zero emissions investing regulations, but thanks to the magic of modern corporatism, that’s what the Treasury Department did this week.

Timed to coincide with the United Nations General Assembly on climate change, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen insisted that the nine “Principles for Net-Zero Financing & Investment” were voluntary.

“Following the principles is, of course, voluntary, but many of those in this room are taking or have already taken actions consistent with some of the best practices they highlight,” Yellen said. “And for those that haven’t, we think they can be useful in clarifying what to consider.”

Those in the room were all well-heeled members of the global elite, who, after many failures at the ballot box, have turned to corporate power to force their impoverishing net-zero policies on the less wealthy and unenlightened.

Here is how it works. First, compliant management committed to installing net-zero policies worldwide at the largest investment firms: BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street. Millions of people trust these institutions to manage their investments.

As part of that trust, corporations are allowed to use voting rights attached to their investors’ investments as they see fit. These firms then use that power to install corporate officers with the same ideological commitment to net zero that they have, and they use that voting power to pass shareholder resolutions, binding corporations to certain policies.

In this case, Yellen knows that many U.S. corporations have been manipulated by investment firms to adopt net-zero emissions policies. Now all the Treasury has to do is release “voluntary” guidelines on how corporations should implement their policies, and voila: by colluding together, the Treasury Department and the corporate elite have created carbon regulations enforceable through shareholder lawsuits that they never could pass through Congress.

The Treasury Department’s “voluntary” net-zero guidelines call on financial institutions to “consider transition finance, managed phaseout, and climate solutions practices when deciding how to realize their” net-zero commitments. What that sentence means is that the Treasury Department wants banks to defund fossil fuel production and invest in politically correct energy sources like wind and solar power instead.

(Read more on Biden’s green dreams of depriving you of green at the Washington Examiner)

And still Joe tries to sell Bidenomics. Why not just go with Bidenflation? Answer: It’s all power.

Why does Dementia Joe seek to take our guns despite the assurances of the Second Amendment being stronger than the “right to abortion” he rails about? It’s all about power and keeping you under the government’s thumb.

White House pushes clean power in America’s coal towns

The Daily Wire documents the efforts by the demented regime to sell green power (aka coal poison) in coal towns.

The Biden administration announced on Tuesday that the Energy Department and other agencies would create incentives for companies to develop renewable power infrastructure in coal communities.

Investment and production tax credits established through the Inflation Reduction Act, and significant bonuses offered by the Treasury Department and the IRS, will encourage firms to locate new clean power initiatives in “energy communities, particularly coal communities.” Biden administration officials have frequently advocated for a transition away from fossil fuels but have claimed that their emphasis on clean energy will replace lost jobs in the sector.

“President Biden came to the White House to end years of big words but little action to help energy-producing parts of the country, who for decades saw jobs exported out and products imported in, all while other countries surpassed the United States in critical sectors like infrastructure, clean energy, and semiconductors,” the White House said in a fact sheet. “The actions announced today will drive new investments in energy communities to support their economic revitalization, strengthen American supply chains, and help ensure coal, oil, and gas workers benefit from the new clean energy economy.”

The Energy Department will allocate $450 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds to support “clean energy demonstration projects” on current and former mine land in coal communities. Another $16 million will finance research at the University of North Dakota and West Virginia University to create a refinery that could “extract and separate rare earth elements and other critical minerals from coal ash, acid mine drainage, and other mine waste.”

Developers in the United States have transitioned away from coal production: nearly one-quarter of the nation’s coal power capacity is slated to be retired by 2029, according to data from the Energy Information Administration, while companies have not reported any plans to construct new coal facilities as of September 2022. The decreased emphasis on coal production and broader move toward green energy comes even as nations such as China and India rapidly expand their reliance on fossil fuels and increase their emissions.

Critics say that actions from the White House to discourage fossil fuel production will reduce the supply of affordable energy and stifle the economy by destroying employment opportunities. President Joe Biden signed an executive order on the first day of his administration revoking a key permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline; Fox News reporter Peter Doocy subsequently questioned former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on where the thousands of dismissed employees from the project could find their new positions.

“President Biden has proposed a climate plan with transformative investments and infrastructure,” Psaki said at the time, “and laid out a plan that would not only create millions of good union jobs but also help tackle the climate crisis.”

(Read more at the Daily Wire)

We are still waiting for the green jobs created by the Biden statistics (BS) Department of Labor

It seems we will wait forever for those promised green jobs (both the ones promised for the Keystone Pipeline workers and those promised to the coal town workers). This amounts to nothing but another power play. Give him the power and he will play against you.

China Benefits Directly From US Energy Policy

The Epoch Times comments on the direct benefits China recieves from Joe Biden policies meant to cripple our oil and gas industries and our coal mining industry.

The Biden administration’s push to transform the U.S. economy through overregulation and suppression of oil and gas exploration while heavily subsidizing so-called renewable (and expensive) energy sources, such as wind and solar, not only ignores the key to economic growth (cheap energy) but also plays into the hands of the top threat to the American Republic—the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Let us explore the issue.

Biden’s Energy Policy

President Joe Biden’s energy policy is enshrined in the “Inflation Reduction Act,” a gargantuan $700 billion omnibus bill passed in August 2022. Roughly $369 billion of the total was earmarked for “renewable energy” ($30 billion), utility conversion to green energy ($30 billion), ten years of subsidies for “energy-efficient” doors and windows, and tens of billions in green energy transportation “investments,” as noted by The Heritage Foundation. Regarding the latter, President Biden signed an executive order in August 2021, “setting a national goal for zero-emissions vehicles to make up half of new cars and trucks sold by 2030,” as reported by NBC News at the time.

Furthermore, President Biden completely reversed the Trump administration’s policies that deregulated and incentivized U.S. oil and gas production by canceling the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, placing a hold on new oil and gas leases (adding uncertainty among investors), and ultimately terminating exploration on “protected” federal lands.

The result was a shift from oil and gas exporter to importer in two short years and a spike in gasoline prices at the pump from $2.195 per gallon in December 2020 to $4.444 in May 2022. Before the 2022 midterm elections, the administration was forced to drastically draw down the Strategic Petroleum Reserve by an unprecedented 40 percent to lower prices. The SPR is supposed to be used for emergency and wartime purposes, not for price manipulation during an election cycle.

The overall Biden energy policy objective plays right into the hands of the CCP, which seeks to supplant the United States as the world’s only superpower while concurrently making money off the diminishment of the United States as it pursues a misguided energy conversion from reliable and cheap hydrocarbons to ephemeral, intermittent, and costly “green energy” sources.

The Biden administration is phasing out America’s long-held strengths in oil, natural gas, and gasoline-power vehicle manufacturing while encouraging Americans to invest in green technology and buy electric vehicles that require components that contain rare earth elements. According to the Financial Times, “China is responsible for the production of about 90 percent of the world’s rare earth elements” and also “at least 80 percent of all the stages of making solar panels and 60 percent of wind turbines and electric-car batteries.” As reported by Real Clear Wire in August, “Rare earth metals are integral to the magnets key to electric vehicle motors and wind turbines. America is 95 percent net import reliant on such materials, which China produces 70 percent of globally.”

(Read of the multiple inflationary effects of Biden’s acts along with the building of Chinese power at The Epoch Times)

GOP senators raise concerns about 18,000 Chinese nationals having crossed the Southern border in 2023

Fox News points toward a recent Republican letter citing the 18,000 Chinese nationals caught crossing our Southern border in 2023.

Republican senators, led by Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kansas, are raising concerns about a “significant threat” to national security posed by an increase in Chinese nationals at the southern border — who the lawmakers say are being almost entirely released into the U.S. and could have ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

The lawmakers wrote to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas expressing concern about the approximately 18,000 Chinese nationals who have been encountered at the southern border this fiscal year. That’s compared to just over 2,000 in FY 2022, and just 450 in FY 2021.

They note that numbers have continued to increase and that the overwhelming majority are single adults. Lawmakers signed onto the letter include Sens. Mike Braun, R-Ind., Pete Ricketts, R-Neb., Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Thom Tillis, R-N.C.

“July set the record for nationwide encounters with Chinese nationals with just over 6,100. 94.8 percent of Chinese national encounters in FY23 have been single adults,” they say. “This trend poses a significant threat to our national security and warrants immediate attention and action from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).”

They go on to say that “it is our understanding that not a single one of these individuals encountered has been detained for any length of time but rather benefited from this administration’s policy of catch and release.”

They note prior concerns, including from Republicans in Congress, that some of those single adults could potentially be tied to the Chinese Communist Party.

(See the letter and read the rest of the article at Fox News)

So the Chinese have not only benefitted, but seem emboldened enough to mount a seeming attack on America

With Joe Biden’s attempt to weaken America’s oil industry, China now seems encouraged to take steps against us (and maybe our allies).

What will wait in store for an American military that once took traitorous steps to undercut any possible move by President Trump? What will be in store for a U.S. military made more aware of pronouns and focused on White rage than on our enemies?

Chilled By Biden, Saudi Arabia leads OPEC to cut oil production. Gas prices could soar.

The Daily Wire explores either a dissimularity between Obama and Biden (Joe Biden’s distain for the a group of Muslims) or a similarity between the two (Joe’s and Barack’s love for the Iranians).

Saudi Arabia, whose relationship with the United States has taken a nosedive during President Joe Biden’s tenure, announced on Sunday it would lead the members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), including Russia, to cut over one million barrels of output a day starting next month, which could cause higher U.S. inflation.

Saudi Arabia also stated it would cut production by another 500,000 barrels a day starting in May. Oil prices soared 7.5% at the week’s open after the Saudi announcement. Kevin Book, managing director of Clearview Energy Partners, told CBS News the cuts could cause U.S. gasoline prices to rise roughly 26 cents per gallon.

The move on Sunday follows OPEC’s decision last October to reduce production by two million barrels a day. “There’s going to be some consequences for what they’ve done with Russia,” Biden threatened in October. “I’m not going to get into what I’d consider and what I have in mind. But there will be — there will be consequences.”

“President Biden said he would make the kingdom of Saudi Arabia a pariah state. That was an enormous mistake,” former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said. “But let’s look at the facts. They are an important security partner for the United States. There’s only one country in that whole region that wants to threaten the United States of America and Israel and wipe us from the face of the earth. That’s the leadership in Iran and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s been an important partner in helping protect us from that threat.”

(Read more at the Daily Wire)

Does this prove Joe unfit to govern or just ultra-committed to the eco-freak movement

Since Joe cannot stop the flow of oil worldwide, I will have to go with the former rather than the latter.

The story that keeps repeating like a broken record

Biden admin blocks off millions of acres from oil, gas leasing after settling with eco groups

Fox News again brings us news of Joe Biden closing off millions more acres of oil and gas leaseing after he met with wildlife and environment-protection groups.

The Biden administration blocked off millions of acres of federal waters from an upcoming oil and gas lease sale as a result of its settlement with environmental groups over wildlife protections.

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), an Interior Department subagency tasked with managing offshore energy development, published a final notice of sale for Lease Sale 261 late Wednesday, including six million fewer acres than it previously scheduled. The Gulf of Mexico lease sale is set to take place in late September and marks the final planned federal oil and gas sale.

“The biggest impact will be on the reduced acreage that is going to be offered in the lease sale,” National Ocean Industries Association President Erik Milito told Fox News Digital in an interview ahead of the announcement. “That is a massive amount of highly-prospective acreage that could lead to energy production, especially when you consider that there are producing facilities in the proximity of some of that acreage.”

Milito added after the announcement that BOEM’s decision to strip millions of acres from the sale and issue other restrictive conditions on companies “poses a real barrier to America’s energy production capabilities, at a time when they’re needed more than ever, with inflation driving up the costs of everything for Americans, including gasoline at the pump.”

Overall, BOEM said it would offer 12,395 blocks across approximately 67 million acres in multiple regions of the Gulf of Mexico, less than the 13,620 blocks across 73.4 million acres it originally planned to offer. According to industry, the acreage stripped from the sale included potentially oil-rich tracts located in the middle of the lease area.

Offshore lease sales often span large swaths of federal waters, but earn bids on a fraction of blocks projected by companies to contain more resources and to have a higher return on investment. For example, BOEM auctioned off 73.3 million acres during Lease Sale 259 in March, but received bids worth $263.8 million for 313 tracts spanning 1.6 million acres.

(Read more at Fox News)

How about a break for those trying to protect their families from Leftist nuts, Joe?

Can you give those who want to feed our children some consideration?

Can you provide a little freedom and support for people who want to protect their children from perverted views being slung around in some schools today?

Can you allow old ladies to pray for the coming generattions, or will you emprison them as a message to those who would stand against your power?

I think we know the answer.

Gas prices in LA soar to over $6 a gallon as oil keeps climbing

In seeming answer to the question posed just above, the New York Post comments on the ever-upward trajectory of gasoline prices under the Biden regime.

A regular gallon of gas costs more than $6 on average in some parts of the Los Angeles area while prices reached as high as $7 in some parts of California on Tuesday as dwindling oil supplies put the squeeze on American motorists.

It was the first time since October of last year that gas in LA and Orange Counties surpassed the $6 threshold, according to Fox 11 Los Angeles TV.

The national average of a gallon of gas stood at $3.88, rising some eight cents in the span of a week, according to the American Automobile Association.

At this time last year, a gallon of gas was 18 cents cheaper nationally, AAA said.

Relief doesn’t appear to be on the horizon, at least not in the short term.

Chevron CEO Mike Wirth predicted that oil prices would get “close” to $100 a barrel.

“Supply is tightening, inventories are drawing … the trends would suggest, we are certainly on our way, we are getting close (to $100/bbl),” Wirth, who heads the nation’s second largest energy producer, told Bloomberg TV on Monday.

The uptick in gas prices has fueled higher rates of inflation — forcing consumers to shell out more for fuel while limiting discretionary spending.

(Read more at the New York Post)

The burden is on us, the voters, to contact our Representatives

Our government has not yet gotten so corrupted that we cannot still contact the closest part of it. Therefore, we must contact those vested with the power of the purse to use that power. We must tell them to bring this behemoth into reign.

No more extravagent spending. No more pie in the climate sky.

Bring this budget down to earth and bring our jobs back to where we can access them.

Has Joe Biden learned from the past or will he continue to repeat the mistakes of old?

Lesson one not learned: government policies, not low rates, are driving inflation

The Wall Street Journal discusses the fallacies surrounding the Biden regime approach to inflation and its cures.

The Federal Reserve’s monetary policy is broken. Normalization of interest rates has been needed for years to allow markets, not regulators, to allocate capital. But with interest rates at 5.5% and the dollar strong, the inflation battle must shift to the problem of government spending and regulation. The Fed’s silence on the fiscal and regulatory roots of this inflation crisis, and its insistence on using an antiquated inflation model that blames growth and jobs for price hikes, risks an even weaker U.S. economy.


Neither problem will be helped by another rate hike. Energy production is capital-intensive and sensitive to interest rates, while Washinton’s inflationary spending is indifferent to rising rates, given th government’s unlimited borrowing power.

Far from easing economic distress, the Fed’s plan to raise interest rates if inflation persists would hurt the economy as a whole. Headlines applaud the economy’s resilience, but at 2.1% growth it’s weak by historical standards and projected to stay that way.

(Read as much as you can afford at the Wall Street Journal)

With his blaming Republicans for the budget crisis, no, Biden has not learned a thing

Considering his recent comments centering on his desire to continue spending “as is”, we can we can see that Biden has not listened to this side of the equation when it comes to considering the creation of inflation.

Lesson two centers on government and free speech: Missouri versus Biden and the crossroads of politics, censorship, and free speech

Now that a federal appeals court has determined that Biden trampled on the First Amendment, The Hill analyses the case of Missouri versus Biden. where free speech again comes into play.

A federal appellate court concluded Sept. 8 that multiple White House, surgeon general, FBI and CDC officials likely breached the fine line separating permissible government persuasion and jawboning from illicit “coercion and significant encouragement” when they repeatedly — and often successfully — lobbied social-media companies “to remove disfavored content and accounts from their sites.”

In short, acts of “coerced censorship” by the platforms since early 2021 are now attributable to the federal government. This allows First Amendment free speech claims filed by Missouri, Louisiana and several individuals to proceed against officials like Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy and White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

The government targeted for suppression views and alleged misinformation that didn’t comport with its stance on contentious topics like the COVID-19 lab-leak theory and the efficacy of pandemic lockdowns and vaccines. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit’s ruling in Missouri v. Biden temporarily bars the officials from “coerc[ing] or significantly encourag[ing] social-media companies to remove, delete, suppress, or reduce … posted social-media content containing protected free speech.” The court delayed the ban for 10 days, giving the government a chance to file an emergency appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court.

Stepping back from legal nuances such as what “significant encouragement” means (the Fifth Circuit said it’s when the government “exercise[s] some active, meaningful control over the private party’s decision”), Missouri v. Biden raises two larger points. The first is that the Supreme Court now has its hands full sorting out vital First Amendment issues affecting social-media platforms, while the second is that free-speech issues affecting the platforms are firmly entwined with the country’s political polarization.

Regarding the court’s internet agenda, the justices will hear arguments on Oct. 31 in two cases: Lindke v. Freed and O’Connor-Ratcliff v. Garnier. Both involve First Amendment claims against government officials who blocked citizens from following them on the officials’ personal social-media accounts.

The court will address the threshold state-action question: When is an official’s ostensibly private account sufficiently used for and related to his government position and activities, like communicating with constituents, that it should be treated as a government account and trigger First Amendment concerns? I asserted in The Hill in May, shortly after the court agreed to hear the cases, that “the realities of today’s communication environment necessitate affording a citizen broad First Amendment rights, unless officials use their social media accounts in a purely private-citizen manner that is devoid of job-related content and trappings.”

(Read more at The Hill)

With the Biden lawsuit against the (protected) whistleblowers, we know that family’s respect for the First Amendment

With the Hunter Biden lawsuit against supposedly-protected whistleblowers for having exposed his tax lawlessness we have one perfect example of the Biden family respect for the First Amendment. There is no respect within this family for anything but money and power.

If you say that the Hunter Biden lawsuit is one made by a private citizen, then please show me the line separating Hunter from Joe when it comes to his trips and dealings in foreign nations. Show me the line that separates any of the Bidens when it comes to the 20 shell companies and their finances.

Lesson three centers on spreading the blame for inflation: Biden regime greases the skids for Blue States to block oil and gas pipelines

Possibly wanting to spread the blame for his environmental-policy damage, Joe Biden has worked to make it easier for Democrat states to block oil and gas pipelines, as documented by the Daily Caller.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced Thursday that it would roll back Trump-era restrictions on the Clean Water Act’s rules that previously allowed states to block pipelines and other major federal projects, an agency press release said.

Former President Trump scaled back Section 401 of the Clean Water Act in 2020, a rule that had allowed New York to block the creation of a 124-mile natural gas pipeline, and Washington to prevent the building of a shipping port for coal, The Hill reported. The EPA reinstated that portion of the act with some modifications to “restore the fundamental authority granted by Congress to states” so that states, territories and tribes can veto government projects if they fear they will experience “adverse water-quality impacts,” according to the press release.

(Read more at the Daily Caller)

Ridiculously, Janet Yellen claimed that Biden acts and policies have not influenced gasoline prices

With recent statements by Janet Yellen, claiming that Joe Biden’s:

  • Closing leases in the Gulf of Mexico and in Alaska,
  • Loading regulations on oil and gas companies,
  • Limiting easments allowed to oil and gas companies, promotion of tax encentives supporting electric vehicles, and
  • Making many other anti-oil/gas acts all —

— have not come together to push up the price of gasoline. We know we have been gaslighted.

Lesson four has to do with his supposed base: Pro-union Biden feels political pinch of historic UAW strike

The Washington Examiner explains the bumps and jolts involved in Biden’s anti-energy agenda when tested in a very pro-energy environment.

President Joe Biden is being tested by a historic labor union strike as he tries to underscore his economic credentials before next year’s elections.

But the United Auto Workers strike, organized by a group that has criticized Biden in the past, presents more challenges than opportunities for the president as Democrats struggle with blue-collar voters.

The longer the UAW strike lasts against the so-called Big Three Detroit-based automaker companies, General Motors, the Ford Motor Company, and Stellantis, the greater its economic and political consequences, according to the Center for American Progress Action Fund’s American Worker Project senior adviser David Madland.

“The auto bailout, where auto workers took a major financial haircut in 2007, -8, and -9 to save the auto companies, is a key piece underlying this,” Madland told the Washington Examiner. “The workers feel that they did their share to help the companies stay afloat and then have helped them turn around to have record profits. Now that they don’t feel that their offers are anywhere near what they deserve.”

The UAW is seeking, among other demands, a 40% pay raise over the course of a four-year contract, the return of cost-of-living increases and pension plans, restrictions on the reliance on part-time autoworkers and forced overtime, and a four-day workweek. But their concerns regarding job security have also been exacerbated by Biden’s climate and energy policies, particularly the importance he has placed on electric vehicles.

(Read more at the Washington Examiner)

Biden pro-union? I would say he is more pro-union funds.

He could care less about the fate of the line worker. He just wants their vote and their financial support.

Lesson five exposes the lie of his being for the little guy: the census exposes Bidenomics

The Wall Street Journal exposes a talking point of the Biden regime as being a bald-faced lie.

You almost have to admire the brass of the Biden White House. The Census Bureau reported Tuesday that Americans are poorer under Bidenomics, and the President quickly changed the subject to blame Republicans for rising child poverty on his watch. As usual, too many in the press corps bought the spin.


Real incomes at every decile were lower and income inequality were greater than in 2019. Americans in the bottom 10% of earners were 6.3% poorer last year than in 2019 while those in the top 5% sawy their incomes decline 4.1%. Inflation infariably punishes lower-income Americans more than the affluent.

(Read more at the Wall Street Journal)

Of course, we knew this by looking at our wallets and bank books

We only have documentation of something that was staring at us from our own wallets and bank books.

Lesson six shows his learned weakness: Biden regime takes steps to free up $6 billion in Iranian funds in prisoner-swap deal

On no less than 9/11/2023, Joe Biden announced a deal reported by the Wall Street Journal where Iran regained some $6 billion of funds frozen and a set of five prisoners formerly detained by the U.S. on various charges.

The Biden administration issued a waiver for international banks to transfer $6 billion in frozen Iranian money from South Korea to Qatar without running afoul of U.S. sanctions, a possible step toward the release of five American citizens detained in Iran.

(Read more at the Wall Street Journal)

So what does this tell Iran? Just two things.

First, it tells Iran that sanctions are meaningless as long as they have the patience to wait for a weak Barack Obama or Joe Biden.

Second, it tells them that, to get their spies and money back, they only need to stand firm and have a stock of American hostages.

Biden’s latest attacks on oil/gas

Biden just escalated his “reckless and out-of-touch” war on gasoline-powered vehicles

Townhall lays out another attack by Biden on America’s oil and gas industry via his tweaking of CAFE standards.

The Biden administration on Friday released its latest regulatory attempt to more than double the federal efficiency requirements applied to gas-powered cars and trucks currently in production and owned by millions of Americans in the latest escalation of his crusade to “end” fossil fuels.

Coming from the Transportation Department’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the updated “Corporate Average Fuel Economy” (CAFE) standards for how far Americans’ vehicles must travel on one gallon of gas would apply to model years 2027 through 2032 and require a certain minimum miles-per-gallon (MPG) rating on those vehicles.

(Read more at Townhall)

Biden doesn’t think we will know he has limited our choices

Before the gas gets to the pump, Biden has limited our choices by cutting off easements that oil companies use to get to leases, by denying leases, by declaring the range of a purported endangered lizard to be one of the most productive oil fields of the lower 48, and by employing similar little tricks.

Biden’s war on oil and gas shifts to a Permian Basin lizard

Forbes points out the latest move against oil and gas by environmentalist faction of the Biden regime.

As part of a massive, pre-holiday weekend document dump by the Biden administration on June 30, the domestic oil and gas industry received an unwelcome gift from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), one that shifts Mr. Biden’s continuing war on oil and gas to the Permian Basin. In a notice published in the Federal Register, USFWS said it has determined a need to list the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard, long a topic of concern and controversy, as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act.

Though a day past deadline, the notice of proposed listing will presumably satisfy a court order requiring the agency to issue a decision no later than June 29. It also upends the conduct of a longstanding conservation plan related to the Lizard, agreed-to in the midst of the Barack Obama administration and most recently updated in 2020, the final year of the Trump presidency.

Ben Shepperd, President of the Permian Basin Petroleum Association (PBPA), expressed surprise at the decision in an email. “We are extremely disappointed in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) decision to again list the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard as Endangered in the Permian Basin,” Shepperd said. “In spite of the successful conservation efforts on the ground for over a decade and that less than two years ago approving a conservation plan for the Lizard that all parties agreed would conserve habitat.

“We are shocked and dismayed at this decision…announcing this before a national holiday is yet another tactic this administration likes to use.”

Tim Stewart, President of the U.S. Oil & Gas Association, was even more pointed in his criticism of the administration’s tactics. “Anti-energy activists have been desperate to shut down drilling in the Permian Basin for years,” Stewart told me. “The Obama Administration worked closely with State of Texas and local land users to put in place a conservation plan that has continued to work to this day. Texas oil and gas operators spent tens of millions of dollars in voluntary conservation efforts to protect the dunes sagebrush lizard. Environmental groups meanwhile added nothing to the conservation efforts but petitions and lawsuits.”

As reported by E&E Daily, environmental groups supporting the listing were predictably pleased. “I’m relieved the precious dunes sagebrush lizard is finally on the path to protection,” Michael Robinson, senior conservation advocate at the Center for Biological Diversity, said in a statement. “I’m saddened and disgusted, however, that the Service allowed the lizard’s habitat to be destroyed for decades.”

(Read more at Forbes)

Don’t be fooled by either Biden’s claims that he has built the economy or that he cares about the ecology

If it mattered, he would not wait until a Friday afternoon to make the move. Just like his Friday afternoon announcement on Biden announcement on Navy Joan Roberts, the four-year-old never visited by Hunter or Joe, the move was made to fix a problem announced in the press.

Biden increases leasing rates paid by oil/gas producers

Even National Public Radio let us know how Biden has increased the costs related to oil and gas companies leasing rates paid to the government.

New rules for the nation’s oil and gas leasing program would raise costs for energy companies to drill on public lands and strengthen requirements for cleaning up old wells where drilling is completed or abandoned, the Biden administration said Thursday.

A rule proposed by the Interior Department raises royalty rates for oil drilling by more than one-third, to 16.67 percent, in accordance with the sweeping climate law approved by Congress last year. The previous rate of 12.5 percent paid by oil and gas companies for federal drilling rights had remained unchanged for a century. The federal rate was significantly lower than what many states and private landowners charge for drilling leases on state or private lands.

The new rule does not go so far as to prohibit new oil and gas leasing on public lands, as many environmental groups have urged and as President Joe Biden promised during the 2020 campaign. But officials said the proposal would lead to a more responsible leasing process that provides a better return to U.S. taxpayers.

The plan codifies provisions in the climate law, known as the Inflation Reduction Act, as well as the 2021 infrastructure law and recommendations from an Interior report on oil and gas leasing issued in November 2021.

(Read more at National Public Radio)

Joe just worked to fill a slot

Never mind the damage caused to the taxpayers.

Biden plays environmental warrior using the Treasury

The Daily Caller describes how Biden will use the Treasury Department to enact his radical green agenda. (Bolding is mine for emphasis.)

Bidenomics and its twin, the climate con game, have infiltrated every facet of the Biden administration. The ramifications for most Americans have felt like a kick in the teeth.

Readers will recognize the substantial shift within the Department of Interior under President Joe Biden. It morphed into a largely conservation-centric agency, rendering Western federal lands inaccessible for oil extraction, mining and other practical uses. Indeed, even constructing a single-lane, gravel, lifesaving road from King Cove to Cold Bay, Alaska has been delayed by the Administration because it’s viewed as an existential climate change threat.


Yet, here we stand. Even the Treasury Department has deviated from its congressional mandate, pivoting toward climate change as the be-all, end-all.

This week, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen appointed Ethan Zindler as the second “climate counselor” for the department. He’s now responsible for leading the department’s “Climate Hub,” a group guiding the department’s climate goals.

In Yellen’s words, “I believe it is imperative that we continue to take decisive action to fight climate change, for the sake of our planet and for the benefit of the global economy.”


Under Biden, and in Yellen’s own words, the Treasury Department prioritizes the global economy over domestic economic health. Our Federal Reserve resorts to money printing to manage this conundrum, placing our economy at an elevated risk of inflation.

As President Ronald Reagan asked in 1980, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”

For most Americans, the response is a vehement no.

Despite President Joe Biden’s assertions that Bidenomics is performing as anticipated, it uncomfortably echoes President Jimmy Carter’s advice in 1977 to don a sweater if we couldn’t afford winter home heating.

(Read more at the Daily Caller)

With this, I would not be surprised to see a China-like social credit system

Since Biden seems to be so beholden to Chinese money and chose to store a number of the secret documents at China-affiliated UPenn (documents he shouldn’t have legally collected as VP), maybe he will also follow China by establishing a social credit system.

Then disapproved industries (like oil and gas or like gun manufacturers) will have a hard time getting the funds they need. Likewise, then 6 January protesters and other conservatives will continue to be on the losing side of the Biden regime.

Democrats – especially Biden – are still on the attack against American oil

The Biden regime unveils sweeping new actions increasing costs for oil and gas leasing

Fox News unveils in a 20 July 2023 article something that the Democrat media would rather hide: Biden and his Democrat-socialist allies on the environmentalist left have kept up their attack on American oil with a recently updated impostion of regulations.

The Biden administration proposed new rules that would make oil and gas leasing on public lands more costly for developers, but which it said would “ensure fair return to taxpayers.”

The proposed rules, unveiled Thursday by the Department of the Interior (DOI) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM), revise a number of financial requirements for onshore fossil fuel leasing including bonding requirements, royalty rates and minimum bids. The administration explained the changes would increase taxpayer returns, while disincentivizing speculators or “less responsible actors.”

“The Interior Department has taken several steps over the last two years to ensure the federal oil and gas program provides a fair return to taxpayers, adequately accounts for environmental harms, and discourages speculation by oil and gas companies,” said DOI Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management Laura Daniel-Davis. “This new proposed rule will help fully codify those goals and lead to more responsible leasing and development processes.”

“This proposal to update BLM’s oil and gas program aims to ensure fairness to the taxpayer and balanced, responsible development as we continue to transition to a clean energy economy,” added BLM Director Tracy Stone-Manning. “It includes common sense and needed fiscal revisions to BLM’s program, many directed by Congress.”

Under the proposal, the lease bond oil and gas developers are required to pay will be hiked from $10,000 to $150,000 and statewide from $25,000 to $500,000, the DOI said. The DOI said the current bonding requirements, established in 1960, are outdated and don’t cover potential federal costs to reclaim a well if companies don’t meet reclamation requirements.

In addition, minimum royalty rates developers must pay on their leases will be increased to 16.67% from 12.5%. And the national minimum bid for a lease will be bumped up from $2 per acre to $10 per acre and will rise with inflation after 10 years.

(Read more at Fox News)

Odd how all of these types of announcements come on Friday evenings

It is almost as if the Biden regime thinks that, among the announcements of the discoveries of their wrongdoings across the world and their current prosecutions of political opponents, that we will not notice their actions that are driving up the prices of everything from gasoline to groceries to entertainment.

It is almost as if 1984 has become an operating handbook for them.

New public-land drilling rules would overhaul the Western oil industry

Hill Country News provides a view of the Biden regime regulations imposed in mid July 2023, explaining how these rules will hurt the oil industry.

The last time the federal government raised the amount that oil and gas companies have to pay to drill on public land was in 1960 — the same year that four unknown, floppy-haired Brits formed a band called The Beatles. Other aspects of the Department of the Interior’s oil and gas leasing regime are more than a century old.

Yesterday, the Biden administration proposed what would be a substantial overhaul of this system, a broad new set of rules that would dramatically increase the operators’ financial obligations, boost the royalties that companies pay and tighten permissive leasing regulations.


The bonding reforms are a major deal. In order to drill, oil and gas companies must put forward financial assurance in the form of bonds, which are supposed to serve as protection for the public if a company goes bankrupt or proves unable to plug its wells. Federal bonding levels have stagnated for the past 60 years, however.

Under the new rules, bonds for a new oil or gas lease would jump from the current level of $10,000 to a minimum of $150,000. The administration also wants to increase the state-level blanket bond — a single bond that covers all of a company’s wells in a single state — by 20 times: from $25,000 to $500,000. The rules also propose doing away with a national blanket-bond option. For context: Colorado estimates that it costs about $92,000 to plug a single well in its orphan well program. A 2019 report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that 99% of federal oil and gas leases have bonds that would be unable to pay for the full cost of cleanup.

(Read more at Hill Country News)

This sounds much like Obama’s pressure on banks to not lend to gun manufacturers

Here, again, it seems that the left has taken the tack of pricing the little guy out of the market. What’s more, with this additional fee, there will be price increases down the line. In other words, expect gasoline prices to jump multifold because every step of the process will become more expensive.

Possibly we might expect this socialist behavior when Biden and cohorts ignore the people over socialist dogma

Biden admin issues 20-year oil drilling ban near Indigenous site, ignoring pleas from Native Americans

Fox News points out how the pleas of Native Americans for the jobs they needed did not match Biden’s siren call for his environmental agenda.

The Biden administration is moving forward with a 20-year ban on new oil and gas leasing near an Indigenous cultural site in New Mexico despite stark opposition from Native Americans in the region.

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland finalized the action Friday which bans fossil fuel and mineral leasing within a 10-mile buffer zone around the Chaco Culture National Historical Park in northwestern New Mexico. The ban ultimately amounts to a withdrawal of approximately 336,404 acres of public lands from mineral leasing near the site some Native Americans consider sacred.

“Today marks an important step in fulfilling President Biden’s commitments to Indian Country by protecting Chaco Canyon, a sacred place that holds deep meaning for the Indigenous peoples whose ancestors have called this place home since time immemorial,” Haaland said in a statement.

“The exceptional landscape in the Greater Chaco region has profound cultural importance,” Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Director Tracy Stone-Manning added. “Today’s announcement marks an important step in ensuring Indigenous voices help inform the management of our public lands.”

The action comes nearly two years after the Department of the Interior (DOI) and BLM first proposed the leasing moratorium within the 10-mile radius at the Chaco Canyon site.

However, the proposal has been met with fierce opposition from the nearby Navajo Nation, local officials and energy producers.

In 2021, Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez and Vice President Myron Lizer penned a letter to President Biden, warning it would have a “devastating impact” on tribal members who have a financial interest in drilling in the area. And last year, the San Juan County, New Mexico, board of commissioners passed a resolution opposing the DOI administration proposal.

(Read more at Fox News)

Here is another case of the socialists not caring for the people

As throughout history, socialism has been billed as being for the people, but has proven to be against the people.

Second quiz: Who have the Democrats identified as the enemy

Biden sticks to attacks on MAGA extremism and abortion restrictions in first outing as 2024 candidate

The Washington Times points out how Dementia Joe has not strayed from the teleprompter talking points of blaming everything on MAGA Republicans and abortion restrictions. With all sorts of crises to rally around, our “uniter in chief” chooses to divide again.

President Biden’s recently announced 2024 reelection bid is sticking to the same themes that helped Democrats fare better than expected in last year’s midterms: MAGA extremism and abortion rights.

Mr. Biden honed in on the dual topics during an address to more than 150 of the Democratic National Committee’s top donors on Friday. The 80-year-old White House incumbent said the upcoming presidential campaign would be a choice between “freedom” and “extremism.”

“MAGA Republicans are trying to take us backward,” said the president. “But together, we’re not going to let them do it. Not an inch back. Instead, our agenda is going to continue to bring us forward and build on the progress we made. And we must finish this job.”

The speech was one of Mr. Biden’s first as an announced candidate for reelection. Mr. Biden told the assembled donors their support would be necessary up and down the ballot in 2024, especially as Republicans were mobilizing behind new abortion restrictions.

“This is not your father’s Republican party,” said Mr. Biden. “Let’s protect a woman’s right to choose and codify Roe v. Wade.”

While Mr. Biden has touted his administration’s “12 million brand new jobs” and capping the price of some prescription drugs, the president said MAGA extremism and the GOP’s push for abortion restrictions presented a renewed battle for the “soul of the nation.”

Mr. Biden relied heavily on such rhetoric during his 2020 White House race and the 2022 congressional midterm elections. During both campaigns, Mr. Biden repeatedly invoked former President Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again movement as a foil.

(Read more at the Washington Times)

Just as I have commented before, Joe Biden’s socialistic Democrats are not your father’s or grandfather’s Democrat party

The Democrat party of Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy reduced taxes. That party, while it had a radical Hubert Humphrey wing, did not alienate the massses of America. That party, while it competed for the minds of America, fought for our rights on the battlefield.

Where that party went, whether it was subverted to Biden’s greed or just gradually diminished by the division brought into American families by Johnson’s great society (or the continuance of that through Obama’s and Biden’s promotion of transgenderism), I don’t know. However, we could use a party that would not spend itself to divide our nation.

New York on verge of being the first state to ban natural gas

NewsMax reports on the insane proposition by New York governor Kathy Hochul to ban the use of methane within the state of New York.

Natural gas may become a fuel of the past — at least in New York. And more than gas stoves will be discontinued, with New York Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul agreeing to a deal with Democratic lawmakers that would bar natural gas statewide.

The preliminary deal, the New York Post reported, would mandate all new buildings under seven stories to be fully electric by 2026. Larger structures would be affected in 2029, and it’s part of a wider $229 billion spending plan.

“Everyone knows we’ve seen the effects of climate change, the storms, the hurricanes coming to New York, record snow amounts,” Hochul told reporters Thursday. “Our budget prioritizes nation-leading climate action that meets this moment with ambition and the commitment it demands.”

Although restaurants and other commercial establishments would be exempt from the new restrictions, some in the construction industry believe the change could seriously accelerate population losses.

“People are apt to make choices of whether they are located in New York state or somewhere else, and this will provide a further strain on the market until there’s certainty about the availability in the grid as we move forward, so that’s a real concern,” said Joseph Hogan, vice president of building services at the Associated Contractors of New York State.

(Read more at NewsMax)

New York has had a problem with loss of population due to crime and taxes

With the high crime and taxes in New York City, the state has seen significant loss in population (especially among those with more than enough means to relocate).

Will this continue the trend by pushing the people who are in the process of relocating anyway into looking at locations outside of New York state? New Jersey seems pretty close (even for someone on a budget).

California pushes diesel big rigs to the curb by announcing a full ban by 2036

Brietbart exposes equally insane plans by those in California to ban the use of diesel big rigs within the state.

Diesel big rigs form the backbone of the U.S. commercial road transportation industry and their days are now numbered – at least in California.

On Friday state regulators banned the sale of new diesel big rigs by 2036 and also passed new rules requiring all trucks be zero-emission vehicles by 2042.

The announcement came on the same tame day CARB enacted regulations that will require “zero emissions” trains to be introduced after 2030, focusing on a sector often seen as a “green” alternative to cars and trucks, as Breitbart News reported.

UPI reports the Advanced Clean Fleets rule, which is the first in the world to require new commercial trucks, including garbage trucks, delivery trucks and other medium and heavy-duty vehicles, to be electric, was unanimously approved by the California Air Resources Board (CARB).

“This is an absolutely transformative rule to clean our air and mitigate climate change,” said Liane Randolph, chair of the board, according to the Mercury News.

Environmental groups praised the new rules for taking diesel heavy trucks off the road at the same time CARB works on a host of other measures to ban fossil fuel usage across a host of other areas.

(Read more at Brietbart)

So will there be headlines of the homeless starving in San Francisco?

Will there be headlines telling of people starving due to this decision? Or will there be stories of electric big rigs having to re-charge every 25 miles while produce spoils?

Since Obamacare produced so many unforeseen consequences, what will this bring on?

What stands behind Joe Biden’s push to socialize real estate?

Biden gives a big, socialist middle finger to those who sacrificed to maintain their credit rating

A real estate expert shreds Biden rule punishing homebuyers with good credit: “It’s madness”

Fox Business explores the madness within Biden’s new scheme to soak everyone not yet on Welfare.

A new rule from the Biden administration will have good-credit home buyers paying more monthly to subsidize costs for high-risk buyers.

The changes, which will begin in May, have many experts worried about the impacts both on buyers and the economy.

Real estate expert and Madison Ventures+ managing director Mitch Roschelle unpacked the “madness” on “Varney & Co.” on Thursday.

“It’s bizarro world,” he said. “That fee that’s charged, PMI, which is personal mortgage insurance, that fee that FHA [Federal Housing Administration] charges is intended to punish those with lower credit scores and riskier loans to basically level the playing field from a risk perspective. Well, what are we doing? We’re doing the opposite.”

On “Mornings with Maria” earlier, Strategic Wealth Partners CEO Mark Tepper also slammed the measure arguing that it is “socialism for homeowners.”

“We mentioned the student loan issue. Cab drivers who never went to college are subsidizing that student loan debt, and in this situation, this Biden administration more and more often, they are making decisions to reward bad decisions,” the financial expert said.

Experts believe that borrowers with a credit score of about 680 would pay around $40 more per month on a $400,000 mortgage under rules from the Federal Housing Finance Agency that go into effect May 1 — costs that will help subsidize people with lower credit ratings also looking for a mortgage, according to a Washington Times report Tuesday.

“If you have a high credit score, and 680 is a good credit score, you have to pay more. And we’re talking about real money. This could be $100 a month more, depending on the size of your loan. So it makes no sense,” Roschelle said. “And by the way, this isn’t about first-time homebuyers. There’s nothing in this rule that says it applies to first-time homebuyers. It applies to anybody borrowing money that’s insured by FHA. It’s madness.”

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), which oversees federally backed home mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, has long sought to give consumers more affordable housing options.

Under the new rules, consumers with lower credit ratings and less money for a down payment would qualify for better mortgage rates than they otherwise would have.

(Read more at Fox Business)

Real estate is where the America’s middle class and lower upper class stands different from Europe

By trying to throw money to people and corporations with poor credit ratings, Biden is sinking the rest of us. Rather than building on the good thing about America, where we have made owning a home more attainable for people of all stripes — Biden goes the socialist route.

Does Biden mean to throw so many regulations into the mix (as opposed to President Trump, who freed us from the greatest number of regulations) in order to kill the economy? Does he think that he will then be able to save our economy before being blamed for its demise?

Here’s the awful thing Biden just did to the mortgage system

Townhall shows how Joe Biden has taken something that never worked (Marxism) and applied it to something that, up to now, has always worked (the American real estate system).

A new Biden administration mortgage rule set to take place on May 1 will force loan applicants with good credit to pay higher fees and subsidize applicants with poor credit in the name of “equitable” access to home ownership.

“Basically it is redistribution,” Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiroma explained Thursday morning. “What you’re doing is you are redistributing high risk mortgages and high risk loans.”

“This is what we did back in 2005 and 2006 which led to the biggest blow off ever in terms of the housing market and took us down the road of the worst financial recession in a generation,” she continued. “Basically what you have going on is larger down payments and credit scores to redistribute risky mortgages so those people with a strong and good credit score actually pay the bill for the mortgages that are much riskier for those people who don’t have that kind of credit score.”

(See one more tweet and a quote of an Obama official on Joe’s deleterious effects at Townhall)

I hold to the “can” theory on Biden’s recent real estate action

According to the “can” theory:

  • Get all you can.
  • Can all you get.
  • Sit on the can.

Since Biden has his homes that he will not sell and has his walled compound, what does he care about your credit score that you worked for over the years? He has canned his.

Or is there an even more evil plan in the works?

Considering that this seems like just the time to put in a rule that would benefit people with ruined credit (since Joe Biden has put so many Democrats in the position of having to ruin their credit), do you think that Biden has done this so that they will then absolve him and vote him in again?

What can I say? People still watch The View.

Not only real estate, but also crypto and the oil industry

Biden targets crypto, real estate, and the oil industry

Market Watch details Joe Biden’s foray into the heart of America’s ability to function as a nation.

President Joe Biden on Thursday called for ending tax subsidies for cryptocurrency investors, the real estate industry and the oil and gas sector, as he formally rolled out his proposed budget for the 2024 fiscal year.

Biden is aiming for “cutting wasteful spending on Big Pharma, Big Oil and other special interests,” said Shalanda Young, director of the president’s Office of Management and Budget, during a call with reporters.

His proposed budget would deliver an estimated $24 billion in savings by eliminating a tax subsidy for crypto investors that allows them to sell a cryptocurrency such as bitcoin BTCUSD, -0.02% at a loss and take a tax loss to reduce their tax burden, but then buy back that same asset the next day, according to the White House.

The budget would provide savings of $19 billion by closing a “like-kind exchange” loophole for real estate VNQ, -0.99% investors, which lets them put off paying taxes on profits from deals indefinitely as long as they keep investing in real estate.

It would get $31 billion in savings by eliminating special tax treatment for oil and gas XOP, -1.58% company investments, as well as other fossil fuel tax preferences, the White House said.

Many of the president’s budget proposals aren’t expected to find much traction in the Republican-run House of Representatives, but they could help provide the Democratic incumbent with talking points in a 2024 re-election campaign.

In addition, Biden’s proposals — which discussed in a speech delivered Thursday in the swing state of Pennsylvania — are likely to factor into his discussions with House Republicans over raising the U.S. debt limit.

The president would increase spending on things like the Social Security Administration, which would see a rise of $1.4 billion over the 2023 enacted level to fund spending on staff and IT or other improvements. Schools in low-income communities would get a $2.2 billion increase, and the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) would score an increase of $1 billion.

The proposed budget has overall outlays totaling $6.88 trillion, up from an estimated $6.37 trillion in spending for the current fiscal year. There would be $5.04 trillion in revenue, resulting in a deficit of $1.85 trillion.

Biden’s budget takes aim at the pharmaceuticals industry PJP, -0.12% in part by aiming to build on the Inflation Reduction Act’s move to allow Medicare to negotiate prices for some drugs. It calls for letting the program negotiate prices for more drugs and bringing drugs into negotiation sooner after they launch.

His budget targets wealthier Americans’ retirement investments, as it proposes limiting the amount that those making over $400,000 a year can hold in tax-favored retirement accounts, in a move that would deliver estimated savings of $23 billion.

It calls for ending the carried-interest loophole, which allows managers of private-equity funds to pay lower tax rates, even as Biden’s push on that issue flopped last year when Democrats had slim majorities in both chambers of Congress.

It features fresh attempts by Biden to raise taxes on U.S. companies, as it proposes hiking the corporate tax rate to 28% from 21%, lifting the tax rate on foreign earnings to 21% from 10.5%, and quadrupling the 1% levy on stock buybacks.

(Read more at Market Watch)

So, Biden’s promise to not tax anyone not making $400,000 takes another hit

If you have worked to keep your credit score good no matter what you make, then Biden has taken another swipe at you. Add that to his “inflation” tax (that has resulted in record amounts brought in to the IRS). Add that to the fact that most IRS audits under Biden have been against middle and low income citizens. Add that to the additional 87,000 new IRS agents Biden is bringing in to his politicized IRS.

Now for a view from those focused on the liberal side of news

Biden’s proposed tax law changes and the rental market

CNBC looks into the ways that Dementia Joe’s meddling might effect things for those who inherit a house (and, with the passing of the Boomer generation, those are many).

President Joe Biden has unveiled a plan for higher taxes on inherited homes to help fund the $1.8 trillion American Families Plan.

The proposal would tax inherited property gains at death, targeting generational wealth transfers.

But financial experts say the measure may impact more families than just affluent ones.

“I think it could become a quagmire from a couple of different fronts,” said certified financial planner Ken Van Leeuwen, founder and managing director of Van Leeuwen & Company in Princeton, New Jersey.

Currently, heirs may defer taxes on inherited home gains until they sell the property.

They also secure a so-called “step up in basis,” which adjusts the home’s purchase price generally to the value on the date of death.

According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, the current law saves taxpayers $41 billion per year.

By comparison, Biden wants to treat home inheritances like a sale, making the heirs pay for gains that occurred before they received the property.

(Read more at CNBC)

Unintended consequences, anyone?

While most of this has definite socialist intentions, there likely rests in many crannies of this “decision” some unintended consequences. Considering the fact that Joe has maintained he has a “good economy” and inflation was (at least according to the Biden talking points)'”transitory,” this might have some really big unintended consequences.

As Barack Obama once said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to **** things up.”

Considering the unintended consequences that grew out of Barack Obama’s signature piece of legislation, what do you think might happen here?

One way this Biden’s attack on real estate might screw things up might come through the elimination of breaks to the employing class just as we enter a recession

Biden proposes eliminating real estate investor tax break, while Republicans discuss cuts to housing programs

Fortune looks into the proposed elimination of an investor tax break in a period where Joe has depressed the American economy by regulating the oil industry into oblivion (as much as possible).

On Thursday, the Biden administration released its $6.9 trillion budget proposal for next year that’d cut deficits by nearly $3 trillion over the next ten years via tax increases.

In the budget, the administration claims that closing “tax loopholes that overwhelmingly benefit the rich and the largest, most profitable corporations,” will save billions of dollars. With that, President Joe Biden proposed to close the so-called “like-kind exchange loophole,” as his administration refers to it, arguing that it “lets real estate investors defer tax indefinitely.” But it’s not the first time Biden’s proposed to close the “like-kind exchange” benefit, and it’s unlikely that it’ll be included once Congress approves spending levels.

The “like-kind exchange,” or 1031 exchange, basically allows real estate investors to sell their property and acquire another and defer any capital gains taxes from that initial sale. Referring to it as a special tax subsidy, the White House wrote: “This loophole lets real estate investors put off paying tax on profits from real estate deals indefinitely as long as they keep investing in real estate. This amounts to an indefinite interest free loan from the government. Real estate is the only asset that gets this sweetheart deal.”

University of Southern California professor of public policy and director of the Homelessness Policy Research Institute, Gary Painter, told Fortune it’s likely that Biden is attempting to show that “people who have rental properties as investments ought not to be treated differently than people who are owner occupiers of their homes,” as notion of tax fairness, so to speak.

If the rules regarding how easily it is to move from one investment property to another change, you might just see fewer of those exchanges because investors won’t want to pay capital gains multiple times, Painter said. Not to mention that changing the law could make it more difficult to obtain financing because profit is essentially being reduced, which changes the value of properties like multifamily buildings. Painter later added that closing the 1031 exchange “doesn’t seem like the right thing to do right now,” and there are other opportunities for the government to close loopholes that don’t potentially impact the building of multifamily housing.

(Read as much as your Fortune will allow)

If an investor cannot afford to both pay the gun-weilding IRS and hire an employee, who do you think will come out on the short end of the stick?

The investor will keep as much money as he or she (and those, yes, are the only choices). The 87,000 IRS agents and their guns will get as much money as they can.

However, the person looking to hire on a secretarial help or whatever will be out of an opportunity.

Let’s make some lists of firsts for and against President Trump

Firsts for President Trump

President Trump accomplishments in office

During four years, President Trump:

What is it exactly that Joe and the Democrats have accomplished since 2020?

Have they conquered climate change? (That’s a trick question: you know they never will conquer climate change even if there were a simple answer to the questions at the bottom of the “crisis.”)

It’s 2023. Has the “transitory” inflation they talked about turned out to be transitory?

Considerting that Joe sent us all home with his COVID restrictions, he can’t take credit for a “recovering” jobs outlook while the economy teeters on banking collapse.

More to the point, why should we re-elect woke, open border politicians of any party

Since I have followed the habits of Senator John Cornyn, I know what a turn-coat he can be for conservatives. Although he seems to pull out the conservative catch words only every six years (and otherwise keeping his liberal likeness to former Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison), he always seems to stab conservatives in the back early in his term.

Therefore, I know that both Republicans and Democrats are to blame for the lousy state of:

The things endured by President Trump during his administration and following that

President Trump is the first president:

  • To be wiretapped by the FBI before taking office
  • To be banned from social media platforms
  • To be impeached twice
  • To be raided by the FBI
  • To be indicted by a district attorney who has downgraded multiple felonies to midemeanors

Tell me what the press has not shielded Joe Biden from when it comes to scandal

We know that Joe was the genesis of or was very closely associated with the genesis of the following scandals:


Democrats pounce!

Democrats jump at the chance to get a kindred soul in Wisconsin’s high court

Lawfare at work: Pelosi, Soros, and other Democrats pour money into “nonpartisan” Wisconsin Supreme Court race

The Daily Caller shows us how Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, and other top Democrat movers and shakers have started pouring money into the “nonpartisan” Wisconsin race for a Supreme Court position.

Top-Democratic leaders are funneling millions of dollars into the Democratic Party of Wisconsin ahead of the state’s “nonpartisan” Supreme Court race, according to finance reports released Monday.

Both George Soros and Democratic Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker funded the party with $1 million each, and Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California donated $12,000, according to finance reports for this period, Feb. 7 to March 20. The liberal candidate, Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz, received roughly $8.7 million from the Democratic Party of Wisconsin in funds.

“Janet Protasiewicz’ campaign is being bankrolled by far-left Democrats responsible for soft-on-crime policies, liberal prosecutors, and catch and release DAs nationwide,” Rachel Reisner, a Wisconsin GOP spokesperson, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “George Soros and J.B. Pritzker’s million-dollar contributions underscore that Protasiewicz will simply be a progressive rubber stamp, and they’ll drop whatever cash needed to buy her a Wisconsin Supreme Court seat because her pro-criminal record aligns with their agenda, one that has wreaked havoc on Democrat-run cities throughout America.”

Protasiewicz received just over $8 million in monetary donations and more than $700,000 in non-monetary funds from the state’s Democratic Party, the finance reports show.

(Read more at the Daily Caller)

Does it seem that Democrats want to skip the messy part of writing the law

Just have a sympathetic judge go in there and re-interpret the law to say 1,000 genders or a universal basic income.

This could be key when the next federal election occurs and ballot boxes get stuffed.

Luckily for Jane, those at The View agree with her

Jane Fonda says “murder” is the solution to anti-abortion advocates

Little Rock, Arkansas, ABC affiliate KATV reports that Jane Fonda went on ABC‘s day-time talk show The View to announce that the solution to pro-life advocates is not to debate them, but to murder them.

Actress Jane Fonda has been reported to the Capitol Police by Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., for her suggestion that “murder” is a solution to anti-abortion legislation and its advocates.

During a recent appearance on “The View,” Fonda was chatting with show hosts about abortion and the fact that women no longer have the federally protected right of access to abortion after Roe V. Wade was overturned.

We have experienced, many decades now, of having agency over our bodies, of being able to determine when and how many children to have,” Fonda said on the show. “We know what that feels like, we know what that’s done for our lives.”

We’re not going back, I don’t care what the laws are,” Fonda added as the show’s audience begins to applaud. “We’re not going back.”

The show’s hosts then smiled, agreed and said “there’s the activist” in reference to Jane before asking her what, besides protests and marching, pro-abortion advocates can do in response to anti-abortion legislation and its advocates.

Well… murder,” Fonda says with a straight face.

(Read more at KATV)

If ABC doesn’t agree with this, why is The View still on the air?

This, in contraposition to what the press now says, was not a joke. Look at the video and see. This was a point of agreement to murder the opposition. Joy Behar, Jane Fonda, and the rest all agreed with the outcome.

Katie Hobbs’ press secretary obviously also believes in Jane Fonda’s solution as it would apply to those who disagree with trangenderism

AZ Central points out how the spokesperson for Katie Hobbs called for “transphobes” to be shot rather than debated. This envoking of gun violence sounds like a hate crime.

A social media post from Gov. Katie Hobbs’ spokesperson suggesting the use of violence against those who disparage transgender people has prompted a backlash and calls for the governor to take action.

Hobbs spokesperson Josselyn Berry late Monday posted an image on Twitter from the 1980 movie “Gloria,” showing a woman with a handgun in each hand. “Us when we see transphobes,” Berry wrote in an accompanying post that followed a prior message.

The post was made hours after a mass killing at a Nashville school where the shooter was identified by law enforcement authorities as a transgender person. The tweet was amplified Tuesday by Republican lawmakers and consultants, who panned it as tone deaf and advocating violence.

The Arizona Freedom Caucus, which includes the state Legislature’s farthest-right members, called for Berry’s dismissal, saying that “calling for violence like this is un-American & never acceptable.”

The caucus and its leader Sen. Jake Hoffman, R-Queen Creek, is often at odds with Hobbs and has threatened to sue her over her first executive order. That order expanded protections from discrimination to include gender and reaffirmed that in matters of state employment and contracts, sexual orientation could not be considered. Hoffman charged that Berry was “threatening to shoot people Democrats disagree with less than 12 hours after the Nashville shooting.”

(Read more at AZ Central)

It turns out that this spokesperson was eventually let go

Although the spokesperson was eventually let go, the lag time between the event and the dismissal shows (like the event on The View) there to be a degree of agreement between the governor and her murder-preoccupied spokesperson.

So, if you are pro-life and have a meeting with the Arizona governor, watch your six.

Just when the press was resisting reporting on one attack by a transgender

Stop me if you’ve heard this: In little over 4 years, 4 transgender-identifying mass murderers have attacked

Breitbart lays out the facts regarding mass murders perpetrated by men identifying as women and women identifying as men.

In November of 2018, Snochia Moseley, a man who identified as a woman, wounded three and killed three after opening fire at his place of employment in Aberdeen, Maryland.

In May of 2019, a Colorado woman who identified as male shot up a school, killing one and wounding eight.

In November of 2022, a Colorado man who shot up a gay nightclub, killing five and wounding 18, was identified as transsexual.

On Monday, 28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a woman who identified as a man, entered a Nashville Christian elementary school with a firearm. She murdered three adult staffers and three nine-year-old children.

In less than five years, that’s four mass shootings committed by people who make up about one-half of one percent of the population. So that works out to around 2.75 mass shootings per million transsexuals over four years.

(Read more at Breitbart)

Something tells me that, were this reversed, we would not be hearing the mocking of Christians across the air waves

Were this a case of four pastors having each committed multiple murders (the most recent including three children), we would be hearing of the dangers of Christians daily.

After Matt Taibbi explains how Biden and his FBI collude with Twitter to suppress free speech, …

Biden’s IRS visits Matt Taibbi and the Biden regime remains silent (since the IRS owes Taibbi money)

The New York Post digs into the case of official oppression by Biden’s jackbooted thugs in the IRS.

The White House declined to comment Wednesday on an IRS agent’s visit to journalist Matt Taibbi’s home on the same day that he testified to a House subcommittee investigating the “weaponization” of government.

The surprise March 9 door-knock came as the “Twitter Files” collaborator described his reporting on how the government pressured social media platforms to censor online speech.

The Post asked at the first White House press briefing since the news of the visit broke Monday about whether the visit was “part of a campaign to harass or intimidate [Taibbi] related to his journalism.”

White House spokesman John Kirby, coordinator for strategic communications at the National Security Council, declined to provide a substantive reply.

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to refer you to the IRS,” he said succinctly.

“Federal law prohibits the IRS from commenting on individual taxpayer matters,” spokesman Robert Marvin told The Post.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, whose department includes the IRS, also was pressed for answers Wednesday by House lawmakers.

“What are the chances of that being just luck?” Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) asked Yellen of the timing of the visit.

“That the IRS appeared at someone’s home while he’s testifying about the weaponization of the federal government before Congress? Because I think it’s minuscule. I think it’s one in a million or less,” Stewart said.

“It’s certainly something that I would want to look into,” Yellen replied.

(Read more at the New York Post)

Think about this. Biden using the IRS as a weapon. Biden using the courts as a weapon. Biden using the FBI to pressure the instant press (Twitter) to publish only what he approves. Does this sound like a dictatorship?

If you read the heading above and come to another conclusion than that of a dictatorship, I would love to see your full reasoning and would invite you to comment below. Be forwarned, though. I will erase all profanity.

Controversial group behind “Trans Day of Vengeance” raised money for firearms training

The Daily Mail tells us how the Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) organized to raise money for firearms training by sponsoring dance events. Additionally, when conservatives publicized the matter, it was conservatives who got banned from Twitter and other social media.

Despite three nine-year-olds being gunned down by a transgender shooter at a private Christian school in Nashville, activists are still rallying the troops to protest for a ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ – months after raising money for firearms training. 

Transgender shooter Audrey Hale opened fire on the Covenant School in Nashville at 10.30am on Monday, killing Hallie Scruggs, William Kinney and Evelyn Dieckhaus during her rampage at the school.

But despite rising political tensions across the country, which saw a press secretary for Arizona Democrat Governor post a Tweet about shooting transphobes, the Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) is pushing forward with their protest in DC.

The Virginia chapter of the group held a ‘dance party fundraiser’ in Richmond ‘benefiting firearm/self-defense training for trans-Virginians’ on March 7, before the mass shooting had taken place. 

In statements, the group has taken pains to distance themselves from Hale, and her actions, and changed the name of the protest before the brutal slayings.  

The protest on Saturday was initially meant to be called a ‘day of visibility’ but rebranded before the shooting to vengeance because it means ‘fighting back with vehemence’ – though the group was quick to say they do not ‘encourage or promote violence’ when contacted by DailyMail.com.

But one activist appears to have taken the movement to the next level, posting a picture of a heavily armed person with an assault rifle and threatening to ‘kill christcucks’ – as Twitter removed thousands of posts with flyers for the event. 

Twitter has been removing the posts that could be deemed threatening or involve guns associated with the ‘TransDayofVengeance’ hashtag – but it is unclear exactly how many were others posing with weapons as they have since been deleted.

Ella Irwin, Twitter’s head of trust and safety, wrote that the company removed more than 5,000 tweets that included a poster for the event.

She said: ‘We do not support tweets that incite violence irrespective of who posts them. 

‘Vengeance’ does not imply peaceful protest. Organizing or support for peaceful protests is ok.’

Two other trans activists have since posted footage and photos of themselves with rifles, which appear to be in direct response to the Nashville shooting. 

One says that she will use the weapon for ‘protection’ against ‘transphobes’ who  target them. 

Kayla Denker, who describes themselves as a ‘communist, archaeologist and writer, posted the video of herself with her gun after the incident in Nashville – despite saying ‘advocating for trans people to arm ourselves is not any kind of a solution to the genocide we are facing’.

(Read more at the Daily Mail)

I support anyone’s right to protect themselves; however, I don’t support intimidation

Protect yourself and I am behind you. Start inciting violence against others and you will have won an enemy.

Additionally, be forwarned that (unlike the liberal press that will call laws forbidding talking about sex with children under the age of majority to be “killing transgenderism”) I see these matters as black and white. Protecting children from pornography is not book banning. Protecting children from inappropriate topics that their parents have not approved is not killing. However, making verbal and printed threats are a form of assault. Therefore, to encourage people to “behead christcucks” is to promote violence and should be punished as such.



It has been and will be conservative voices that Twitter continues to ban

Tell me again how we cannot abandon Twitter and just regularly monitor (and boycott) everything on Twitter

The Daily Beast informs us of the deplatforming of Representative Majorie Taylor Greene over her exposure of the “Trans Day of Vengeance.”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s congressional Twitter account was restricted Tuesday after the Georgia Republican shared an image about a “Trans Day of Vengeance.” Greene said the graphic was promoting an “Antifa” event next month in Washington, D.C. Twitter has since removed the post, with the company’s head of trust and safety, Ella Irwin, explaining that Twitter had to automatically remove more than 5,000 tweets and retweets of the poster. “We do not support tweets that incite violence irrespective of who posts them,” Irwin said. “‘Vengeance’ does not imply peaceful protest. Organizing or support for peaceful protests is ok.” Irwin also wrote that Twitter “did not take a ‘strike’ approach with restricting” the tweets sharing the poster, instead only restricting the media being shared. “There is no impact to users for having tweeted it unless it is reposted after removal or was posted with additional calls for violence/ wishes of harm,” Irwin added. Using her personal Twitter account, Greene later wrote: “Twitter’s [Ella Irwin] claims no one was given a ‘strike’ for warning the American people of political violence planned at the Supreme Court. Yet my official CONGRESSIONAL account was banned for 7 days for exposing Antifa’s plan for violence on the ‘Trans Day of Vengeance.’ [Elon Musk], can you explain?”

(Read Twitter’s scant responses at The Daily Beast)

Now we know why Elon Musk was stopped by the Twitter board

It looks like the old guard has taken control again.

Tell me again how conservatives should expect anything but suppression on Twitter.


Biden isn’t that bad: he’s worse

I have to start this with a hat tip to Bunkerville, since she posted on the gas stove contraversy a few days prior to my post. Thanks, Bunker.

Biden Officials Just Can’t Keep Their Hands Off Your Gas Stoves

Forbes spilled the beans on Biden’s desire to kill the gas range as a proof of their devotion to green ideals.

Asked recently by an Arizona television news anchor to comment on the continuing controversy surrounding the Biden administration efforts to restrict or ban the use of gas stoves in the home, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said, “That is so ridiculous, that story. Because, it sounds like government’s coming in to take your stuff. That is so not true. That is just not true.”

In almost her next breath, though, Granholm went on to perpetuate the supposed science connecting the use of gas stoves to childhood asthma, a claim that simply has not been established. That was on January 23.

Just nine days later, on February 1, Granholm’s Department of Energy beat the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) to the regulatory punch, proposing a new regulation governing home energy consumption, which seeks to diminish the use of, you guessed it, gas stoves in the home. Thus we see the Biden administration just cannot make itself let this issue go.

Upon learning of the DOE proposal, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, the Democratic chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, took to his twitter account to say the government “has no business telling me – or any American family – how to cook dinner.”


Groups representing manufacturers of gas stoves and other appliances understand what is really going on here. “This approach by DOE could effectively ban gas appliances,” Jill Notini, a vice president with the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, told Bloomberg. “We are concerned this approach could eliminate fully featured gas products.”

The DOE’s proposed regulation would set unprecedented energy consumption limits for gas stoves and other gas appliances, an obvious ‘camel’s nose under the tent’ first step in moving towards a ban, which has long been a goal of environmentalist groups who support Democratic election candidates. Regulatory actions such as this one and the move by the CPSC seldom germinate up organically among the career bureaucracy; most often, they are the result of lobbying efforts from outside interest groups. This is no secret.

(Read more at Forbes)

There are a number of things common to conservative areas

One of those is effeciency. Gas stoves epitomize effeciency and speed. Therefore, to have gas stoves in an area shows a tendency toward working with equipment that favors effeciency.

Another common trait of conservatives stands with our tendency to find uses for once useless commodities. Methane (natural gas) was once considered a waste product of drilling for oil. However, someone determined that it burned cleanly, provided a steady flame, and was otherwise useful. Therefore, someone turned it into a prime source of energy.

Hand-in-hand with the previous point comes the point that most conservatives love: we tend toward commodities that provide high value for lower cost. Commodities like gas that can be delivered by pipeline fit well into this category.

Therefore, with all of these points associating natural gas with conservatism, it stands as little wonder why Dementia Joe has decided to come for the ranges.

Energy Secretary Granholm insists gas stove standards will only impact high-end models: “There’s no ban”

Fox Business similarly reported on Biden Energy Secretary Granholm as she parroted the line, but backed the regime in its attempt to kill the gas range.

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm fielded questions on her department’s proposed efficiency standards for gas and electric stove appliances Thursday, reiterating to lawmakers that there is currently no plan to ban gas stoves.

At a budget hearing for fiscal year 2024, Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Wash., asked the secretary to address constituent concerns that “literally 96% of tested residential gas stove tops” would not be in compliance with the proposed draft rule published in February. Newhouse said that if that number was accurate, utilizing gas stoves would be “out of the question for most consumers” and said switching to stoves that meet the new standards would be “tremendously expensive” for Americans, both individuals and U.S. restaurants.

Granholm used the opportunity to clarify what she called “misinformation” about the Energy Department’s proposal. 

Noting that Congress requires her department to update energy efficiency standards for gas and electric stovetops, as well as a wide-range of household appliances, Granholm insisted that the majority of residential stoves won’t be affected by the changes.

(Read more at Fox Business)

With Biden’s sneaky record of regulating the oil and gas industry, who can believe this regime?

From the beginning, Biden has regulated oil and gas businesses out of using easements, denied them drilling permits, and pulled many other fast tricks while making wild claims (like that there were 9,000 unused drilling permits and many other claims).

Therefore, I have to say that Joe has been gaslighting us on this, too.

Biden admin cracks down on air conditioners as war on appliances continues

Fox News likewise reported on the Biden regime attempt to kill the stalwart of the South: the air conditioner.

The Biden administration announced its latest home appliance regulations this week, targeting air conditioners in an action it said would reduce the nation’s carbon emissions.

The regulations, unveiled Thursday by the Department of Energy (DOE), finalize energy efficiency standards for home air conditioning units, or window air conditioners, and portable air cleaners. The DOE said the move would cut air pollution and push consumer costs down by billions of dollars via energy savings.

“Today’s announcement builds on the historic actions President Biden took last year to strengthen outdated energy efficiency standards, which will help save on people’s energy bills and reduce our nation’s carbon footprint,” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a statement.

“DOE will continue to engage with our public and private sector partners to finalize additional proposals like today’s that lower household energy costs and deliver the safer, healthier communities that every American deserves,” she continued.

(Read more at Fox News)

They can have my air conditioner when they pry it from my luke-warm, dead hands.

There is no way I would leave my wife subject to the deadly Houston heat without protection.

Furthermore, let Biden actually solve something that he has fouled up before we allow him to screw with this. Let him first fix inflation. Let him get the supply chain in order. Then we can talk (but only talk).