It’s not just Biden we have to worry about, it is his whole set of machines

As evidenced by the DOJ refusal to prosecute Garland, there is a coordinated Democrat machine (built unconstitutionally with government agencies)

On 9 April 2024, NBC News published an article aimed at their Democrat fanbase describing the campaign being set up by Biden while President Trump got tied up by lawfare.

President Joe Biden has been scooping up record-making donations and plowing the money into an expanding campaign operation in battleground states that appears to surpass what Donald Trump has built thus far.

Flush with $71 million cash at the end of February — more than twice that of Trump’s campaign — Biden parlayed his fundraising advantage into a hiring spree that now boasts 300 paid staffers across nine states and 100 offices in parts of the country that will decide the 2024 election, according to details provided by the campaign.

Trump’s advisers would not disclose staffing levels, but his ground game still seems to be at a nascent stage. His campaign hired state directors in Pennsylvania and Michigan last week, people familiar with the recruitment process said.

(Read more pro-Biden hype at NBC News)

Of course, this was before the lawfare conviction of President Trump in the sham court set up in New York

That conviction set the stage for greater records in fund raising. Still, we cannot rest on any laurels. We cannot assume any portion of the American people will not fall for the sham presented by the machine behind Dementia Joe.

Tammany Hall 2.0: Biden turns federal agencies into a massive get-out-the-vote operation

The Heritage Foundation pointed out in a 18 April 2023 article how Joe Biden used an executive order to turn federal agencies into a nation-wide get-out-the-vote operation for Democrats.

The high voter turnout in the 2022 midterms smashed dire predictions from the left that election reforms, such as expanding voter ID requirements, would lead to “Jim Crow 2.0.”

But another type of “reform,” established by a 2021 presidential executive order, has yet to play out. If fully implemented in time for the 2024 elections, it may well lead to what should be called Tammany Hall 2.0.

Tammany Hall was the powerful Democratic political machine founded by Aaron Burr. It had a stranglehold on New York City politics until well into the 20th century. Similar organizations operated elsewhere: the Pendergast machine in Kansas City, the Daley machine in Chicago, the Long machine in Louisiana and the Curley machine in Boston, to name a few. But none had the raw political power or the national reach of Tammany Hall.

Big-city machines like Tammany Hall were notorious for twisting election laws. They used these tools to make it easier to win (or sometimes steal) elections, perpetuating one-party rule.

The political machines of the past largely confined themselves to ruling state and local fiefdoms. But we’re about to see how it works at the federal level.

In March 2021, President Biden signed Executive Order 14019, aimed at turning federal agencies into a get-out-the-vote operation, and working with so far unnamed private organizations to do so. Don’t worry. The White House assures us this is nonpartisan.

“Agencies shall consider ways to expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process,” the order says. “The head of each agency shall evaluate ways in which the agency can, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, promote voter registration and voter participation.”

Democrats failed to pass a sweeping federal takeover of elections in 2021 and 2022 when they controlled Congress. They are relying heavily on this executive order to do the job for them.

The details are sketchy since most federal agencies aren’t releasing their strategic plans to the media or watchdog groups.

According to the White House summary of agency plans, the Department of Homeland Security is required to focus on voter registration “at the end of naturalization ceremonies for the hundreds of thousands of citizens naturalized each year.” The Department of Justice is directed to “provide information about voting to individuals in federal custody, facilitate voting by those who remain eligible to do so while in federal custody, and educate individuals before reentry about voting rules and voting rights in their states.”

This is perhaps nominally more subtle than when Tammany Hall worked to get prisoners released to ensure they voted and even established a “naturalization mill” to instantly turn immigrants coming off boats into voters. As The Washington Post explained, Tammany Hall bosses “ushered hundreds of thousands on the Lower East Side and elsewhere into citizenship” to register to vote and keep Democrats in power.

The White House also noted that the Department of Agriculture would work with mortgage lenders to provide voter registration information, the Department of Health and Human Services would connect people with voting information, tools and resources, while the Department of Housing and Urban Development would provide registration information.

The more things change …

(Read of predictions of how this may effect our system at the Heritage Foundation)

Like the use of social media to silence conservatives, this likely will take some time to correct.

Conservatives have had some effect (not overwhelming, but some) on the coversation online. By establishing venues like Rumble and creating an open liberal/conservative conversation (at times) on X, conservatives have created a voice.

Hopefully, we will be able to set this to the middle also.

Don’t fall for Joe Biden’s nice old man act — he’s just lowering expectations

Miranda Devine of the New York Post presents her view of a president able to switch between doddering and calculating political strategies.

God forbid that we allow our eyes to see what they see when it comes to the Meanderer in Chief’s bizarre behavior.

Rather than be accused of peddling disinformation, best to make no comment about the latest video of Joe Biden freezing up like a zombie and having to be shepherded off stage by Barack Obama Saturday night at the president’s celebrity-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles.

Some things are so obvious they need no commentary.

But Republicans should not fall into the trap of emphasizing Biden’s increasing befuddlement, as viral as such moments are to a world astonished that America now resembles the end stages of Soviet decrepitude.

The strategy risks engendering sympathy for a man who deserves none and lets him off the hook for all the damage he has wrought on this country.

It also plays into Biden’s superpower: being underestimated.

He might act like a doddering incompetent, look like a wax effigy and walk like a robot, but the president has the uncanny ability to exceed all expectations when it counts, politically.

(Read more of Ms. Devine’s ideas on the New York Post)

It is the machine behind the old fart that we must put our attention on (since that is what has run the nation).

Nobody in their right mind would imagine that Joe has been running this nation between naps. Therefore, we have to focus on defeating the record of the machine behind him.

Let’s not forget the lawfare that has targeted over 400 conservatives and the lawyers who defend them

As we know from Bunker’s post on the 65 Project and the way it has targeted Republicans and the lawyers who defend them, Democrats have gone all in on lawfare.

Criminal Charges and disbarment. LAWFARE: Will there be any Republican Lawyers Left to Ensure Election Integrity in November? While many who got too close to Hillary seemed to have their lives shortened, those close to Trump at the minimum have the loss of their law licenses on the hook, worse criminal charges and jail. How many attorneys are still out there and willing to assist in challenging the upcoming election process and result? At what price to them?

Republican candidates are being forced to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in defending themselves against the lawfare waged against them. And that is assuming that these Republican candidates can find lawyers to represent them. Fewer and fewer lawyers are willing to do so.

Thus, hundreds of millions of dollars that would have otherwise been raised for Republican candidates is being diverted to their defense funds. Of course, taxpayers pay for this because government lawyers are paid from your tax dollars. Dedicating so many lawyers to prosecute Republicans gives Democrat District Attorneys an alibi as to why they can’t pursue real criminals.

The Soros backed 65 project is behind much of this, who claims to be bi-partisan but no Democrat is on the list.

(Continue reading at Bunkerville with her reference to Influence Watch)

I can’t do anything but agree with Bunker.

We only need now to keep our focus and to vote the bums out.


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