Biden to the NAACP: Come home to my style of fascism

Biden: “What would Trump have done if the Capitol riots had been led by Black Americans?”

The Guardian provides us a lens to look into Biden’s demented view of how those of us possessing skin darker than his.

Joe Biden has launched one of his most scathing attacks yet on Donald Trump’s record of racism, suggesting that the former US president would have acted differently to the January 6 2021 insurrection if it was led by Black people.

The remarks, at a dinner hosted by a civil rights organisation in a critical swing state, pointed to an intensifying battle between Biden and Trump for African American voters ahead of November’s presidential election.

“Let me ask you,” Biden said during an address to an NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) dinner in Detroit. “What do you think he would have done on January 6 if Black Americans had stormed the Capitol?”

There was a collective gasp and murmur in the cavernous convention centre, where an estimated 5,000 guests had gathered. The president insisted: “No, I’m serious. What do you think? I can only imagine.”

The great majority of Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol on January 6 in an attempt to overturn his election defeat were white. One was pictured carrying the flag of the Confederacy, which fought the 1861-65 civil war to in a failed effort to preserve slavery in the south.

But as a congressional panel investigating the attack chronicled, Trump remained at the White House and took no action for hours, even as the mob threatened to hang his vice-president, Mike Pence. He eventually released a video calling for the rioters to stand down and go home.

More than 1,265 defendants have been charged and hundreds imprisoned for their role in January 6. But Trump has described them as “patriots” and “hostages” and, as Biden noted in his remarks, suggested that he will pardon them if reelected.

Biden was speaking during a campaign swing through Georgia and Michigan, two battlegrounds where the Black vote will be crucial. Opinion polls suggest that a small but significant percentage are turning from Biden to Trump.

The president told the audience in Detroit: “You’re the reason Donald Trump was defeated for president. You’re the reason Donald Trump is going to be a loser again.”

Biden touted his own record but kept returning to Trump and the threat he poses to democracy. He highlighted his own appointment of the first Black female supreme court justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson.

“Let me ask you, who do you think he’ll put on the supreme court?” he asked. “Do you think he’ll pick anybody who has a brain?”

Biden also accused Republicans of banning books and undermining African American history. “Extremists close the doors of opportunity, strike down affirmative action, attack the values of diversity, equality and inclusion,” he said.

(Read more at The Guardian)

Translataion: Blacks, come to me. I offer you inflation, riots that purportedly favor you, and more of the attacks that you have seen over the past few years

First off, since Joe will not acknowledge his lousy economy, but continually touts Bidenomics, we cannot expect anything but the lousy economic performance from his regime.

Additionally, since Joe (who came into office with promises to be a uniter) references rioting, it only accentuates the rioting endemic to both the Biden and Obama regimes. It does not point toward any form of forgiveness, reconciliation, or peace.

Finally, what have these three-plus years of Joe’s reign been but years of:

Biden tries to become religious at Morehouse University after three years of acts against the pro-Life, Catholic, and traditional woman

The New York Times did its best to put both lipstick and perfume on the stuttering, mumbling old pig as he attempted to cobble back together the coalition that has been crumbling before his unfocused eyes.

President Biden invoked scripture and lessons from his own tragic past on Sunday in a commencement address to hundreds of young Black men at Morehouse College, saying he believes there are “extremist forces aligned against the meaning and message” of the prestigious institution.

Mr. Biden’s speech, delivered at the historically Black men’s college in Atlanta, put him directly in front of hundreds who represent a slice of the electorate that is drifting away from him over the war in Gaza and growing apathy about their choices ahead of the election. Mr. Biden used the moment to say that manhood was not about “tough talk” and “bigotry” but about calling out hate.

“Their idea of being a man is toxic,” Mr. Biden told the graduates, a reference to adversaries he did not name — but, given that his other events this weekend were focused on attacking his Republican competitor, Donald J. Trump, it was little mystery who he was talking about. “That is not you. That is not us. Being a man is about strength and respect and dignity.”

(Read more blather at the New York Times)

Considering how Biden has sent a Nazi death camp survivor to prison for praying while ignoring a serial church arsonist, this is rich

Even The Hill points out the hypocrisy of the Biden regime going after a grandmother who only prayed outside of an abortion clinic while that same regime’s Department of “Justice” ignored a serial church arsonist.

Sores covered nearly every inch of Eva Edl’s emaciated young body. People gagged when they came near her; bed bugs, fleas and lice were devouring her “festering body.”

These sickening details are only a fraction of the horrors young Eva suffered as a victim of the most dreaded communist death camp in Yugoslavia after World War II: Gakova. After years of living in hell, facing death daily, Eva’s family finally escaped to the U.S. They believed that America was free, and that their rights would be protected by a government with their best interests at heart.

Today, the government they trusted is fighting to throw 87-year-old Eva into prison for her pro-life advocacy.

Sadly, Eva’s plight perfectly exemplifies how dangerous the weaponization of the U.S. government has become, and how far the left will go to punish anyone who interferes with their radical agenda.

Eva is one of four pro-life advocates recently convicted under the Freedom to Access Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which prohibits the use of force, threat of force or physical obstruction to prevent women from obtaining or providing “reproductive health care services.”

In March 2021, Eva and other pro-life advocates participated in a prayer protest inside a Tennessee abortion clinic. The pro-lifers stood in front of the clinic’s doors while peacefully singing Christian hymns and praying.

For this, they face up to six months in prison, five years of “supervised release” and fines up to $10,000. (Typically, FACE Act violations carry a maximum sentence of up to 11 years in prison, and up to $250k in fines.)

Meanwhile, pro-abortion rights extremists firebomb, vandalize and terrorize pro-life centers and Catholic Churches with impunity.

It is unquestionable that Eva and her pro-life compatriots’ prosecutions are intended to send a message. The FBI and Department of Justice have prosecuted nonviolent pro-life offenders with the FACE Act, while turning a blind eye to the violent, ongoing and terrifying attacks on other institutions protected by the FACE Act: churches and pregnancy help centers.

(Read more at The Hill)

For the above story, hat tip to Ed Bonderenka at Not of this World.

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