Two proofs that Biden has no intention of slowing the invasion of America

Border agents told to release migrants into US despite Biden asylum ban

The Washington Examiner explores something first discovered by Fox: a memo instructs Border Patrol agents to release illegals into the interior (in violation of Joe’s recent order that supposedly shut down the border).

U.S. Border Patrol agents in Southern California have been instructed to admit migrants from far-off countries rather than place them in removal proceedings, a move that goes against the White House’s Tuesday ban on asylum-seekers.

A government document given to federal law enforcement in San Diego, California, following President Joe Biden’s executive order to keep migrants from seeking asylum in the United States advises that migrants from all but six of the more than 100 countries in the Eastern Hemisphere be released into the United States rather than deported.

The instruction contradicts what senior Biden administration officials told reporters in a call on Tuesday would be the case for migrants from Eastern Hemisphere countries who traveled through multiple countries without seeking asylum in order to reach the U.S., referred to as extra-hemispheric migrants.

“Extra-hemispheric migrants have always been a challenge. They will be subject to these rules, provisions,” a senior administration official said. “We’ve also been working with governments all over the world to enhance our ability to repatriate individuals to countries that have historically been challenging. We have, for example, operated repatriation flights to India, to China, to Uzbekistan, to Mauritania, to Senegal over the last few months, and those are all countries that historically would have been much more challenging for us to return individuals to and we anticipate we will continue to enhance our ability to return migrants to the Eastern Hemisphere.”

“So, we do think that the rules measures will allow us to impose an immediate and fast consequence to migrants no matter what country they’re coming from,” the same official said.

(Read more at the Washington Examiner to learn where this memo appeared)

So close to the election, it would seem Biden wouldn’t so blatantly contradict his own executive order.

Except that Joe has a compliant American Pravada in our ABC News, CBS News, PBS News, and CNN — Joe could not hope to pull off this deception.

However, with these mouthpeices in his backpocket, he can do as he chooses.

Thank heavens that we have ways around this issue.

Ernst leads Senate GOP demanding Biden “cease planning” Gaza refugee acceptance

Fox News explores as much of both sides of Biden’s idea of bringing Gazans into America as the Biden regime will allow.

Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, led Republican senators in demanding President Biden stop any plans for potential U.S. acceptance of Palestinian refugees from Gaza. 

“We demand that your administration cease planning for accepting Gazan refugees until you adequately answer our concerns and focus your attention instead on securing the release of U.S. hostages held by Hamas,” Ernst wrote in a letter to Biden Wednesday evening. 

The letter was signed by 35 Republican senators, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Minority Whip John Thune of South Dakota, Republican conference Chairman John Barrasso of Wyoming and National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) Chairman Steve Daines of Montana. 

The correspondence was prompted by a CBS News report that Biden’s administration is considering allowing some Palestinian refugees from Gaza into the U.S. as refugees. 

According to the report, officials in several agencies in the Biden administration have been discussing over the course of weeks a number of possible plans to resettle some Palestinians in Gaza who have family that are either citizens of the U.S. or are permanent residents in the country. 

(Read a pdf of the letter at Fox News and then the wavering response of the White House)

Since pro-Palestine Joe has not come out with a recantations of his plan, should we expect it to continue?

I think that we would be naive to do anything but assume Joe was going full bore with this plan.

Although Joe has remained silent on this topic since about 8 May, his silence means nothing (especially considering how early after the 7 October 2023 massacre in Israel that he seems to have started his plan to bring in Gazans).


2 thoughts on “Two proofs that Biden has no intention of slowing the invasion of America

  1. In regard to Biden’s memo to the Border Patrol agents in California to just release most illegals into the hinterland, one thing I find odd is that the <b>adults</b> from oil-rich areas of the former USSR (Georgia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan) still find themselves turned back.

    Does Joe have a pact with Putin to keep running Putin’s oil machine?

    And why not also turn back the children? Are we in that much need of illegal alien children for nefarious projects?


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