Two stories Joe wishes you would not see

How the stock market performed under Trump versus Biden (in four charts)

The Wall Street Journal provides some comparison of Trump to Biden in an easily-understood, visual mode.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average’s first foray above 40000, though brief, is the latest sign the economy has shrugged off the threat of recession in the midst of retreating inflation and hopes for lower interest rates. It is one bit of welcome news for President Biden, whose approval—and re-election prospects—are being held down by public dissatisfaction with the economy.

On X, Biden called the milestone “great news for Americans’ retirement accounts and another sign of confidence in America’s economy.”



(Read more at the Wall Street Journal)

Unlike the fluff fed to us by the television talking heads, we already felt this in our wallets

While validation feels good, we already knew this and should vote accordingly.

White House issues ten corrections for a single Biden speech

The Washington Free Beacon points back to the Detroit speech that got mentioned in my Monday post, but also adds a lot more detail.

The White House issued 10 corrections for President Joe Biden’s Sunday speech at a campaign event in Detroit with the NAACP.

Biden had falsely told voters at the NAACP dinner that he was vice president during the COVID-19 pandemic. His term as vice president ended in January 2017, three years before the start of the pandemic.

“When I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic, and what happened was, Barack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit! Help fix it,’” Biden said. The White House transcript of the speech crossed out “pandemic” and replaced it with “recession.”

The White House’s other revisions show that Biden said “inspiresing” instead of “inspiring,” “irrectionists” instead of “insurrectionists,” and “organization” instead of “award” before referring to the NAACP as “NAAC.”

The Democrat also made two grammatical mistakes and misquoted presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump as well as a statistic about the Affordable Care Act.

(Go to the Washington Free Beacon for the other five flubs)

With a candidate like this, the Democrats had might as well turn honest

There is no level of cheating that will make up for this level of stupid.

The only thing that can defeat conservatives now is ourselves and our staying out of th fight.

3 thoughts on “Two stories Joe wishes you would not see

  1. Do you remember when he had light blue eyes? Maybe it’s enlarged pupils from all the drugs he has to take to function at all but he sure doesn’t look like the same guy who served as vice president. He lies like him though lol

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